
What If Yoda Taught You Drupal?

Earlier this quarter, our team got together in Boise, Idaho for our annual retreat. These retreats are always a great opportunity to reconnect, and also to talk about the future of our business. One of the things that's been coming up in a lot of our discussions is how we could leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve our product, customer service, and learning outcomes for our members. I think it's fair to say that no one on our team is an AI expert at this point, but we are all at least curious.

So, while we were having this discussion I did the only logical thing I could think of: I visited and asked "How would Yoda go about helping me learn Drupal 10?"

Videos Added to Routes and Controllers Tutorials

We've added 3 videos to tutorials in our recently published Routes and Controllers in Drupal course. Lead trainer, Joe Shindelar, walks through essential concepts and skills for Drupal module developers like creating a route with a controller, understanding how parameters and upcasting work in Drupal, and how to use route parameters in a practical example with a route definition and a custom page controller class.

Planning a Better "Hello, World" for Drupal

Years ago I was involved with authoring the Drupal User Guide, and I’m still the maintainer today. Now, we want to pick up where the Drupal User Guide left off, and create a Drupal Module Developer Guide. This hands-on module developer guide will build on the site and the guiding scenario used for the User Guide. We’ll walk through the process of authoring a couple of custom modules to meet your client’s needs and in the process, learn the basics of Drupal module development through writing “real-world” code.

Learn How to Implement a Plugin of Any Type in Drupal (Now with Video)

Drupalize.Me trainer Joe Shindelar has recorded a new video walk-through of how he goes about finding out what type of plugin you want to add, and how to find out what code is expected, and where to put that code in your module. The video is now embedded in the written version of the tutorial, Implement a Plugin of Any Type, available to our members.

New Tutorial: Install Drupal Locally with DDEV

On the Drupalize.Me team, we're fans of using DDEV to install Drupal locally. We use DDEV for development work on the site, tutorial demo sites, and workshops. While the Drupal community is spoiled for choice when it comes to options for local development, we've chosen DDEV for a lot of reasons (which we'll get into in this tutorial), but mostly because we use it every day and it works great.

Updated for Drupal 10: Search API and Solr tutorials

We've updated our Search API and Solr in Drupal tutorials in 2 ways:

1. Instead of providing custom Docker containers, we show you how to use DDEV to set up a local Solr and Drupal development environment.
2. We've tested and updated steps and screenshots for Drupal 10.

If you've been wanting to learn how to develop a Search API and Solr solution for your Drupal site, it's a good time to dive in to this updated course!

Changes in How We Approach Theming in Drupal

We’re getting ready to run another iteration of our popular Hands-On Drupal Theming workshop on July 19th, 20th, and 21st, something we haven’t done for over a year as we’ve been focused on teaching Drupal 7 to Drupal 9/10 migrations. In the process of getting ready, I’ve been going through my slides for the workshop and making some updates. Here are the things that jump out to me as important (but work-in-progress) changes in the last year.

New Drupal Learning Community

Last week we launched the Drupalize.Me Community beta and we’d like you to join us. The community is open to everyone, not just Drupalize.Me members. We created this learning community to provide support for all kinds of folks working with and learning Drupal. More than just content and resources, this is a safe and supportive place to ask, share, and learn. You can take your Drupal practice to the next level by connecting with other Drupalers with a wide range of experience and knowledge. You’ll be able to:

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more