At Drupalize.Me Drupal is in our DNA, and as you might expect we're all heavily involved in the Drupal community, continuing to learn more every day about Drupal and how it works. But sometimes it's nice to remember that there is a lot going on in the PHP world outside of Drupal.
Did you know that PHP is the language of choice for over 80% of the websites that use a scripting language? That's a whole lot of PHP.
And that's why this week we'll be attending ZendCon 2015 in Las Vegas, getting off the Drupal island and soaking in some of the amazing tools and knowledge that the PHP community has to offer. With Drupal 8 just around the corner—and the adoption of non-Drupal components into the Drupal ecosystem—being an expert Drupal developer these days means being an informed PHP developer.

If you're at ZendCon, Joe will be sharing some of our Drupal 8 knowledge in his presentation An Overview of the Drupal 8 Plugin System (Wednesday, 9:45AM PT - Room: Studio 1B) where you can learn more about what is going to become important knowledge for any Drupal developer. Or, if you're looking for something less Drupal-specific check out The Dark Art of Debugging (Wednesday, 5:15PM PT - Room: Artist #2).
Take your skills beyond Drupal with Drupalize.Me

As Drupal has started to make use of tools from the larger PHP world, we've been doing our best to stay on top of things and provide you with training on not just Drupal, but the surrounding technology as well. Learn about best-practices for programming in PHP with our Object-Oriented PHP series, learn about Symfony in our Getting Started with Symfony series, and don't miss our free tutorial on The Wonderful World of Composer to learn about the tool that's helping to tie all the various PHP components together.
For our members, if you're not familiar with how Drupal 8 has utilized modern PHP and object-oriented practices, check out these two videos in our What's New in Drupal 8 series of presentations:

If you're already a Drupalize.Me member, or are thinking about coming one we would love to hear more about how what you think we should be teaching outside of the Drupal world. Our mission is to empower people to build and maintain kick-ass Drupal-based websites—and these days that often means learning about more than just Drupal. Let us know in the comments or get in touch!
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