Most of the Lullabot team was at DrupalCon Denver this year, and we had a great time. Lullabots are pretty good at hugging, so seeing each other in person is a great eperience. We did notice, however, that not everyone at DrupalCon feels comfortable, or has practiced enough, with their hugs. As a service to the Drupal community, we'd like to help you out with a free video. Trainer extraordinaire Joe Shindelar is not only an expert in Drupal, he's also an expert in hugging. If done correctly, hugs can be wonderful expressions of affection; but if done poorly, hugs can create an awkwardness that just makes everyone uncomfortable. Joe presents How to Give a Hug: a basic primer on hugging, which covers:
- Definition of a hug
- Types of hugs
- Techniques and Warnings, and
- Hug Components
Watch the video, practice your technique, and soon you could be Certified To Hug! Start getting ready for your next Drupal event — be it a con, a camp, or a local meetup. We hope to see you in fine form at DrupalCon Munich!
*Disclaimer: Drupalize.Me is not responsible for the outcomes of any hug interactions. Proceed at your own risk.
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