A New Year

Welcome to 2014! We're delighted to see you on this side of the calendar.


Every year around this time, I think about all the things I've done in the last year and all the things I'd like to do in the coming year. There were a number of big changes for me in 2013: I started my new job with Drupalize.Me after nearly ten years as an educator at large. I was a first-time project manager. And I produced my first video lessons for aspiring themers. I spent also about a third of my time on the road, traveling to Drupal and other technical conferences, teaching people about Drupal and Git. Did you have any major "wins" in 2013? Please share them in the comments. I'd love to help you celebrate!


Now we look forward to 2014. A few days ago, Lullabot James Sansbury posted a wonderful document to our internal network to help the planners among us set goals for 2014. With his permission, the document is attached to this blog post. This document focuses our attention to three words: Stop, Continue, and Start. It then asks us to apply these three words to a number of categories including: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Environmental. In the spirit of sharing, here are a few of my personal goals for 2014:

  • Continue to exercise at least three times a week, with an annual goal of completing a 10K road race. Last year I finished a 5K race at OSCON. Sometimes I even remember to wear and sync my FitBit!
  • Start writing book reports for the professional reading I do. Over the holidays, I read Habit and Teaching What You Don't Know, and I downloaded another library of interesting reads on Change Management.

I'm very excited to share my professional goals as well. My goals are directly related to you! In the first quarter of the year, my theme is going to be "Connect with others and help them to create flow." In other words: I want to help you make your life a little smoother. Here are some of the resolutions I've got to help make this happen:

  • Connect with at least ten Drupalize.Me members and learn how you use our platform to support your learning. (Would you like to connect? Drop me an email via our contact form.)
  • Attend at least two Drupal core mentoring sessions in January.
  • Dive into Drupal 8 and identify five topics which are currently difficult to learn and need resources to make the learning experience smoother and easier for newcomers.

What are your goals for the first few weeks of 2014? Please share them in the comments. And together, let's make 2014 our best year ever!

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