This week we're kicking off our new, and completely free, Using MailChimp with Drupal 7 series. This series will teach you everything you need to know about integrating Drupal with the MailChimp email marketing service.
This week we'll be continuing our Using MailChimp with Drupal 7 series. And like last week, all the tutorials are free. Last week we looked at creating, and collecting contacts for, a MailChimp mailing list. This week we'll look at all the different ways we can send email to our lists.
PHP Classes and Objects
Blog postObject-oriented programming (OOP) is way of organizing your code to be more efficient, and it takes advantage of some really nice features in modern versions of PHP. One of the basic concepts of OOP is, not surprisingly, an object. Directly related to working with objects is understanding PHP classes. Drupal 8 is taking big steps to move to an OOP architecture, and so you will get very familiar with both of these as you start to jump into Drupal 8 development.
This tutorial, based on the video Create a Basic PHP Class, will explain what a class is, show you how to set up a class, and look at a PHP object. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to create a class, an object, add a property to your object, and set the value of the property inside the class.
Load Testing your Site with Siege
Blog postSiege is a useful load testing tool to add to your performance testing tool kit. From the website: "Siege is an HTTP load testing and benchmarking utility. It was designed to let web developers measure their code under duress, to see how it will stand up to load on the internet. Siege supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. It lets its user hit a server with a configurable number of simulated clients. Those clients place the server 'under siege.'"
Load testing is useful for testing the performance of your site, and the infrastructure that it runs on. There’s nothing worse than having one of your blog posts end up on Hacker News and then having your site crumble under the load. Siege can simulate activity on your site, and you can then use your site from your browser as you normally would, while your siege is running and really get a feel for how your site responds under load.
This blog post will cover installing Siege on OS X and Linux, and running a basic load test with Siege.
Why is SEO important to site owners? What tools and strategies can be used to gather and analyze site visitor data?
Release Day: Object-Oriented PHP Part 2
Blog postWe've recently switched from weekly releases to working towards releasing an entire series all on the same day. The Object-Oriented PHP Part 2 series is the first one we're doing with this. You get access to the complete series today! This second part of three on object-oriented PHP, provided by KnpUniversity, continues on from our Introduction to Object-Oriented PHP series.
Tutorial: Panels as Blocks
Blog postIn this tutorial, you will learn how to place panels in any region of your theme using Drupal's Blocks UI and a module packaged within the Panels project: Mini Panels. This tutorial is based on a free video in our library, Placing Panels in Blocks with Mini Panels
React.js, CouchDB, Node.js, de-coupling Drupal; if any of that sounds cool to you, then this is the podcast for you.
You know all those JavaScript tracking codes that get added to the footer of every page on your site? Google Analytics is the classical example, but there are tons of others out there. They are slowing your pages down, which in turn slows down your test suite. In this post we'll look at how you can skip unnecessary resources when using CasperJS for testing.
Most written text has a lot of functional words, like "a", "the", or "is" which are important to the person reading the content as they help it flow in a cohesive manner, but aren't necessary as important to someone searching the content of your site. In this tutorial we'll look at ways to ignore those words in our search index.
Drupalize.Me Update, July 2015
Blog postIt's that time again! Here's an overview of what we've been working on recently at Drupalize.Me.
Pausing Our Podcast
Blog postThis week, instead of publishing a regular podcast episode, we recorded a short update about the podcast itself. We're not producing any more episodes for the rest of 2015, but you can look forward to a new, better podcast in 2016.
Video: Manage Customers with RedHen CRM
Blog postAre you curious about how you could build and customize a customer relationship manager (CRM) using Drupal? Maybe you've heard of RedHen CRM and you're eager to learn more. If so, this week we have a new video tutorial just for you. And, thanks to ThinkShout's generous sponsorship, it's free!
Sometimes we need to be able to retrieve the value of a property on an object, but we don't know the name of that property. Instead, we need to dynamically calculate the property name, and then access the value. For example: $row->{$my_property};
. This post looks at how the Views module uses this technique and allows for a huge amount of flexibility.
Meet Drupal Site Builder Danita Bowman
Blog postDanita has been on and working with Drupal full-time for 4 years. In this interview she answers some questions for us about being a site builder. Meet Danita!
Drupalize.Me Update, August 2015
Blog postIt's that time again! Here's an overview of what we accomplished this month.
In this series, I will show you how to integrate Node.js with Drupal using the Node.js Integration module.
At its core, the Node.js Integration module provides an API that other modules can use to add real time capabilities to Drupal. We will cover all but one of the submodules available in the Node.js Integration module, as well as the set up and configuration of the Node.js application that ships with the Node.js Integration module.
Meet Project Manager Alice Jensen
Blog postWe interview Alice Jensen about what it means to be a project manager and share advice from her experience. Copenhagen-based Project Manager (PM) Alice Jensen has been Drupaling since 2012. Her coworkers describe her with affection, using words such as "fearless", "calm", and "passionate". Read more about Alice's approach to her job as a project manager in this Drupalize.Me interview, part of our Drupal roles series.
What's New at Drupalize.Me - September
Blog postIt's that time again! Here's an overview of our big accomplishments in September, including the inside scoop on a Drupal 8 release and what that means for our training, the tutorials we've published this month, and tech updates for the site.
Meet Drupal Site Builder Scott Wilkinson
Blog postIn this Drupalize.Me interview, we interview Scott Wilkinson, a builder of Drupal sites that solve problems for his freelance clientele. This interview is part of an ongoing series where we talk with a variety of people in the Drupal community about the work they do. Each interview focuses on a particular Drupal role and this interview with Scott focuses the site builder role, filled by a person who builds Drupal sites by expertly piecing together and configuring modules, themes, and settings.