YouTube is a great service for storing and managing your videos. While this is handy, many people want to be able to display their videos within their own website as well. In this tutorial we'll see how the Media, Media Internet Sources, and Media: YouTube modules can help give you a nice, seamless way to integrate YouTube videos into your site, and give really nice control over how those videos look, along with some built-in media management tools.
Got some Drupal 7 modules that use the Form API lying around? Want to learn how to port them to Drupal 8? The process could just be the crash course you've been looking for in Drupal 8, object-oriented, module development.
Changes in the Form API in Drupal 8
Blog postIn my previous post, I documented the first of my Adventures in Porting a D7 Form Module to Drupal 8. In that article, I documented how I used the Drupal Module Upgrader to convert my Drupal 7 module, Form Fun, to Drupal 8 and what I learned along the way about how Routes and Controllers replaced hook_menu
, and what I gleaned from change records about other API changes. This article is a continuation of that post, so you might want to pop over and give it a read so that you're up to speed with what we're doing here.
Today we kick off a new series on writing tests for Drupal 7 using the SimpleTest framework included with Drupal core. This week introduces the concept of testing, some terminology specific to the SimpleTest framework, and walks through locating and running existing tests.
Continuing on the knowledge that we learned last week, this week's release includes more tutorials in the testing Drupal 7 with SimpleTest series. This week covers, writing your first test, different types of assertions, navigation with the SimpleTest browser, and user authentication.
This week we're going to wrap things up in our testing Drupal 7 with SimpleTest series. And it's a doozy. We'll cover, submitting AJAX forms, uploading files, writing unit tests, and the SimpleTest 7.x-2.x contributed module.
This week we're continuing PHP for Beginners Part 3 , which is working with databases in PHP. Last week, we started off my covering the fundamentals of SQL and working with a MySQL database. Today we hook this up with the PHP site we're building. Additionally, we have a bonnus lesson YAML.
Release Day: Wrapping up PHP Part 3
Blog postWe've covered a lot of material in the three parts of PHP for Beginners. Today we are wrapping up Part 3, on databases. This week's tutorials are more focused on the PHP side of things, taking a look at PHP function arguments and query parameters, along with an example of how PHP function scope works. We finish up this series with a very important lesson on SQL injection attacks, and how to make your PHP database code secure.
December Tech Update
Blog postHappy holidays, members! We’ve been working hard this month, and we have lots of new features to show off. Read about them here!
Staring at a blank screen, notebook, or any other space flooded with emptiness can conjure feelings of worry, confusion, and definitely fear. Yet this is a ritual anyone who considers themselves a creative willingly puts themselves through on a regular basis. Some may dread these less than pleasant feelings, but I am sure there are also many who embrace them, and I am one of them. Full disclosure, creating something is a scary process for me, and that's ok. From beginning to final product there are plenty of uncomfortable moments that I find extremely beneficial and rewarding to a successful creative process. Hopefully after I share how these often referred to as negative emotions are helpful, you, too, will see how essential they are to your creative process, and why they should be embraced and not avoided.
Drupal 8 Upgrade Path
Blog postAll this excited talk of Drupal 8 has a lot of people dreaming of the day they get to start working with it. Some people get to build new sites from scratch all the time, but a lot of Drupal work out there is maintaining and upgrading existing sites. How will the Drupal 8 upgrade path work, and will it be as shiny as Drupal 8 itself? Well, upgrades will be radically different in Drupal 8, and I'd say it has all the shiny you could possibly want.
Podcast Episode 54: D8 Accelerate
Blog postWhat is D8 Accelerate? In episode 54 of the Drupalize.Me Podcast, Amber Himes Matz chats with Angie Byron and Holly Ross about this new pilot program from the Drupal Association to put $125,000 of community funds toward resolving critical issues and accelerating the release of Drupal 8.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to enable responsive layouts in your theme by adding a viewport meta tag to your html template file. For more context and a demonstration, watch the free video, Adding the Viewport Meta Tag to html.tpl.php in the Getting Started with Responsive Web Design in Drupal series, now on Drupalize.Me.
January Content Update
Blog postHappy 2015, members! We’re welcoming this new year with new Drupal tutorials. Here’s what you can expect over the next few weeks.
This week we have a veritable cornucopia of video demonstrations and tutorials for your learning pleasure. In this week's release, Joe Shindelar takes you through Drupal's PHP coding standards as well as covering essential tools to help you adhere to these standards. Also this week, we have for you several videos to complement Lullabot's Module Monday coverage of Honeypot, Node Revision Delete, and TableField modules, presented by Addison Berry.
Podcast Episode 55: The RESTful Module
Blog postLooking to learn more about the RESTful module for Drupal? Look no further than our podcast #55 — The RESTful module. Host Kyle Hofmeyer joins Mateu Aguiló Bosch and Amitai Burstein to talk about the RESTful module they both maintain and how it is different from other solutions out there. Also on the podcast, conversations about why they choose GitHub as the platform of choice for hosting the module, Drupal 8, and what it is like to have two maintainers for a single module.
It might come as a shock to some of our members that we not only create the curriculum for our tutorials, but we also record, edit, and publish our own video. Besides training, my responsibilities include editing video and managing the production of our head-shots and screencasts. I also supervise the publication process from start to finish. I thought I'd share what that means, and give an overview of our video editing and publication process.
Drupal 8 Survey
Blog postHey Drupal community! Drupal 8 is on the horizon, and Drupalize.Me is gearing up to produce hundreds of new tutorials. We're already working on the curriculum. But before we record anything, we want to know what training you need first.
Please tell us by completing the following survey. (It's short—only 6 questions!) As a thank-you, we'll give you $10 toward a new or existing Drupalize.Me membership!
January Tech Update
Blog postHappy new year, members! We worked hard during the holidays on some important tech improvements. Here’s a quick overview.
Podcast Episode 56: Drush and Composer
Blog postThis week's podcast, episode 56, has Greg Anderson and Juampy Novillo Requena join Addison Berry to discuss Drush and the PHP dependency manager, Composer. We talk about what Drush and Composer are, why and how Drush is using Composer now, as well as a look down the road at further integration.