I'm sure you've heard by now that PHPtemplate is being replaced by Twig in Drupal 8. If you're a front end developer, you may be excited or afraid about how this will affect you. Let's take a look at the guiding principles behind the Twig initiative and where you can find documentation for theming in Drupal 8.
This week, we're introducing a new series for you module developers out there: Building Web Services with Drupal 7. Why? Because you asked for it.
In Drupal 8, the entire block system got an overhaul, and there are lots of goodies in there. I took a tour of the new system with a short video. Some of the biggest changes to see are that you can now use blocks more than once on your site, and there is a new Custom block library that lets you create block types, which are very much like content types for blocks. They let you add fields to blocks, and give you more fine-grained control over how those fields are displayed depending on the location. Check out the video to see some of this in action.
Are you ready to dive into creating RESTful Web Services? In this next set of videos on Building Web Services with Drupal 7, Joe Shindelar provides an overview of the Services UI in Drupal 7 and shows you how to set endpoints, enable resources, and test those resources using cURL on the command line and the Chrome REST plugin.
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 38
Blog postIn this week's Episode 38: Lessons from Distributed Companies, we talk to a few attendees of the Yonder conference about what it means to be a distributed compa
This week, you'll take your HTTP response and request skills to the next level as you learn how to tackle common use cases such as filtering returned data to get only what you need and authenticating requests to get data behind a login. In this installment of our series, Building Web Services with Drupal 7, Joe Shindelar will walk you through how to query, test, and authenticate your D7-backed web services.
As mentioned in my previous blog post "Catching the Community Train" Lisa, Bojhan and myself will be working on a website to better facilitate the process of designers contributing to Drupal. Following my last blog post we sent out a questionnaire to current and previous contributors in order to gain some valuable insights that will help us move forward. In this blog post I will analyze the answers we received and share what they mean to me and how they will be instrumental in our success of helping designers more easily get involved in Drupal.
Early Bat Gets Twice the Training
Blog postIn fewer than eight weeks DrupalCon will be upon us. Those registering for Breaking Down Component-Based Web Design before May 2nd will also receive a FREE annual membership from Drupalize.Me.
Release Day: Wrapping Up Web Services
Blog postThis week, we're wrapping up Joe Shindelar's latest series Building Web Services with Drupal 7. In these last four videos, you will learn how to use Views to build your API, how to create your own services resource in a custom module, and best practices for how to document your API. Next week, Emma Jane Westby guides you through the process of setting up Vagrant as a local development environment in her series Introduction to Vagrant.
Heartbleed SSL Bug
Blog postAs you may know, a significant vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library was discovered this week. Unfortunately this software library is used to encrypt most of the Internet, including the servers on which Drupalize.Me resides. But our team took immediate action to patch this bug, and our servers are no longer vulnerable. The same can be said for our payment processing software, which stores your financial information.
Hiding Form Fields in Drupal 8
Blog postIf you have worked with the Field UI in Drupal 7 you will know that you are able to prevent fields from being displayed when viewing entities (e.g. content, users etc).
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 39
Blog postIf you are looking for good community event ideas, or just want to understand some of what goes into planning an event, check out this week's Drupalize.Me podcast on The Story of the TCD'O
What is Drupal (8)?
Blog postWith the release of Drupal 8 approaching, it’s time again to answer and update the age old question: What is Drupal?
Dupalize.Me Podcast Episode 40
Blog postEver wonder what it means to host your site in "the cloud"? This week's Drupalize.Me podcast, Drupal in the Cloud, uncovers these mysteries. We discuss: what differentiates cloud providers; what it takes to get Drupal in the cloud; and what the future of cloud computing looks like.
Webinar: Easily Create Maps with Leaflet
Blog postCurious about Leaflet? Join Drupalize.Me Trainer Amber Matz for a live tutorial on how to add Leaflet maps to your Drupal site during this Acquia hosted webinar on May 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM EDT.
The concept of blocks has been around in Drupal since the earliest versions. Chunks of information that can be placed into the regions provided by a theme and re-used throughout your site. The system for defining blocks in code has changed quite a bit for Drupal 8 though so it's worth taking a fresh look at how to create blocks in your own module. Especially since in my experience it's one of the first things we need to know how to do as module developers.
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 41
Blog postIn Episode 41, Virtualization with Vagrant, Emma Jane Westby and Erika Heidi chat about creating virtual environments with Vagrant. Through their light-hearted approach to technical topics, we hope Emma and Erika are able to make Vagrant seem a little more accessible, if not downright fun.
Let's Debug Twig in Drupal 8!
Blog postWhen I am theming a Drupal site, I need to know which variables are available on a template file. In Drupal 8, the template engine is Twig, so we’re going to need to know a little bit of Twig to make this work. So, if Twig is totally new to you, don’t worry. Today, you’ll learn some Twig!
So far in the Mapping with Leaflet series, we've taken advantage of the field formatter provided by the Leaflet module to display a map on a page for a piece of content containing location data. This resulted in a single marker on a map. But what about a map of multiple locations? For this, we'll get to use Views and the Leaflet Views module that is included in the Leaflet project download. We'll also address a common problem of transforming postal addresses into geocoded data that a map can use. For this, we'll look at a solution that integrates Geocoder and Address Field modules. As a bonus, I'll walk you through the process of configuring a Feeds Importer to work with the esoteric and possibly confusing Address Field targets and I'll demonstrate how to import .CSV text file of postal addresses into Address Field, which is then geocoded and displayed on a Leaflet map.