Get more Drupal training for less! now has new, lower prices -- as little as $35/month for an annual subscription -- so it's a great time to sign up. And, if you're one of our loyal learners (Lullabot loves you!) you will automagically be charged the new lower rate for your selected payment plan on your next billing.
Also, if you have a 6-month plan you'll be getting an additional month added to your account for FREE, and if you have an annual plan you'll receive an additional 3 months for FREE.
This video shows how to use the magical symbolic link, or symlink. These are basically a handy *nix way to create shortcuts. They come in particularly handy if you want to organize code for your websites outside of the web server's document root and that is the example we use here.
Note: this video was originally released November 23, 2009 on
This command line video covers the three most common commands for compressing and archiving files, including how to get them back out again. Most commonly you first hit the need for these when you download a file and need to get it uncompressed. We'll cover the following commands:
- zip
- unzip
- gzip
- gunzip
- tar
Note: this video was originally released October 28, 2009 on
In this next video of our command line series, we will look at permissions and ownership of files and folders - how to understand the information you see and change it. It covers the following commands:
- chmod
- chown
- chgrp
- sudo
Note: this video was originally released September 16, 2009 on
The second video in the command line basics series, this one covers common commands for dealing with files; copying, moving and deleting them. We walk through examples for the following commands: cp, mv, and rm.
Just a a fair warning that I say the word "stuff" way too many times in this video. Please just bear with it.
Note: this video was originally released September 8, 2009 on
Announcing New Payment Options!
Blog postOne request we have consistently gotten from current subscribers and people on the fence alike is the ability to signup for 6 months or a full year at a time. Well we think that's just ridiculous. Come on! Only kidding, that's actually a very reasonable request that we've been hard at work on it for a little while now. It was a tricky thing to figure out since we wanted to let current subscribers also switch OFF of their monthly account option to another plan if they wished to. We didn't want our awesome Drupalized people having to cancel just to get the billing frequency they prefer!
The command line can be a scary place for someone not familiar with interacting with a computer through text-only. We are so used to using GUIs to point and click our way through tasks. In this series we'll walk through some of the most common command line tasks to help you understand what is going on and be able to do some cool tricks yourself.
This is the first video in a series that shows basic command line usage for *nix systems, such as Linux, Mac OS X, and on Windows, using applications like Cygwin. This video shows the following commands and spends the most time explaining how to move around your file structure from the command line:
- pwd
- ls (and ls -al)
- less
- cd
- man
- clear
Note: this video was originally released August 31, 2009 on
Sorry About That (a.k.a. Whoopsie Daisy)
Blog postSome of you may have noticed that, for several hours on Friday evening, the site was unavailable. We're very sorry! We've been working hard lately, building some nifty new features. To let you in on a little secret, we've been working on a fancy new subscription system that will allow subscribers to choose 6 month or 1 year subscriptions instead of just monthly. W00t! Many of you have requested this. We were working on this new feature when we made an error (insert sad trombone sound) that required us to temporarily take the site down.
Drupal 7 co-maintainer Angie Byron gives a overview of some of the new Drupal 7 features, themes and user interface. She is joined by Nate Haug, Jeff Robbins, Jeff Eaton and Kent Bye who also provide a lot of insights through dynamic conversation, questions, and a fast-paced, hands-on tour of the major highlights of the new Drupal 7 release.
A review of all of the material covered within the jQuery & JavaScript in Drupal series.
Go on a brief tour of other jQuery and JavaScript-related contributed modules that are worth knowing about.
Create dependencies between form elements so that you can show/hide or disable/enable one form setting based upon the form state of another from setting.
Shows how you can use the ajax framework in Drupal 7 to load additional content onto the page dynamically after clicking on a 'read more' link.
The sample code for this series is in the Downloads tab for the first video in this series:…. If you're skipping around, and things aren't working, you may benefit from going back to the beginning and completing each of the videos in order.
See how the new JavaScript APIs and ajax framework in Drupal 7 allows you to implement dynamic behaviors without having to register a menu callback in the menu system or to write any jQuery code.
Goes through how to implement the AHAH framework in Drupal 6 in order to provide more dynamic interactions on a Drupal form.
A review of the Form API properties that provide interactive user interface elements by automatically adding JavaScript behaviors to the form elements.
Shows the steps involved in converting a regular table into a table that is sortable by columns that you specify.
Goes into depth about some of the JavaScript constructs and tools that Drupal provides when writing JavaScript for Drupal. Topics include using Drupal.behaviors and variable settings.
There where a couple of changes to the Drupal.behaviors system for D7. You can find out more information about the changes here:
And more general information about using the new system here
Once you've converted from the old Drupal.behaviors.myModule = function(context)
to the new syntax
Drupal.behaviors.myModule = {
attach: function(context, settings),
detach: function(context, settings)
The rest is pretty much the same.
Shows how to pass variables from the PHP and Drupal side over to the front-end JavaScript scripts that are running so that you can use the Drupal interface to create customized settings that will appear in your jQuery scripts.
Goes over the Macro Maker demonstration module in order to show what functionality we will be building over the next couple of chapters.