The API that we're going to be building through this series is a REST based API so we need to understand the basic tenants of RESTful web services. In this lesson Joe gives a short presentation explaining the basic terminology, workflow, and tennants of REST based web services.
Additional resources
I'm sure you've heard by now that PHPtemplate is being replaced by Twig in Drupal 8. If you're a front end developer, you may be excited or afraid about how this will affect you. Let's take a look at the guiding principles behind the Twig initiative and where you can find documentation for theming in Drupal 8.
With the number of internet connected devices increasing rapidly it's important to make sure that your content, and your business, can be read and understood by machines. Creating an Application Programmer Interface, or API, which exposes your content in machine readable formats like JSON or XML is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Next week Joe Shindelar will be hosting a free webinar to show you how to build APIs on top of Drupal 7 with the Services module.
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 37
Blog postThis week's episode of our podcast, Bunny Ears Are Fuzzy, is a bit of a different than our regular podcast.
This week we are wrapping up our Working with Media Module in Drupal 7 series. We complete the site by getting our music views into place and adding YouTube video embeds.
This week, we'll tame images and audio files as we continue our Working with Media Module in Drupal 7 series with Addison Berry.
Exploring the New Drupal 8 Display Modes
Blog postDrupalize.Me Podcast Episode 36
Blog postIn our latest podcast episode we have two guests, Klaus Purer (klausi) and Lin Clark (linclark) joining Addi and Joe Fender to talk about the new REST module that has been added to Drupal 8 core.
Release Day: Creating Image Galleries
Blog postThis week we turn our attention back to the Working with Media Module in Drupal 7 series. We have a basic site in place, and now we need to add some features to make it rich with media. These three videos walk through the steps to create good-looking image galleries. They also show how we can work with third-party JavaScript libraries to enhance features on our site. Finally we add a listing page and front page block so users can find our new galleries.
Release Day: Webform Basics Wrap-Up
Blog postThis week, we're wrapping up our series on Webform Basics. In these final lessons of the series, we'll cover administrative tasks such as security, spam control, and results analysis. Even if you're not using Webform, you'll be able to apply the strategies from the "Adding Spam Protection Using Honeypot" lesson to prevent spam on your site.
So far we've been looking at Webform from an administrator's point of view. Now it's time to take a step back and look at Webform from the perspective of anonymous users. We want to make sure that our users can do what we're asking and we're not creating security vulnerabilities. In this lesson, we'll configure permissions for our Webform case study.
In this lesson we'll add spam protection to our webforms using Honeypot module. We'll also take a second look at setting submission limits as a strategy for thwarting form submission abuse.
Additional resources
Introducing the Honeypot form spam protection module for Drupal
In this lesson, we'll explore the Results tab of our webform where we can view user submissions, get a basic analysis of our data, view the results as a table, download the results as a delimited text or Excel file, and clear all results.
Amber wraps up the series and takes a look back at what we covered in Webform Basics — from downloading and installing Webform module to building our form to analyzing the results.
Your First RESTful View in Drupal 8
Blog postIn a continuation from my first post, "An Introduction to RESTful Web Services in Drupal 8", I now want to explore how Views interacts with REST in Drupal 8. Please join me!
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 35
Blog postIn this week's episode, Object Oriented PHP, I'm joined by Lorna Jane Mitchell and Joe Fender to step outside of Drupal a little and look at the larger PHP landscape.
Media Explained: A Free Acquia Webinar
Blog postPictures. Podcasts. Videos. If you've ever tried to incorporate rich media files into your web site using only Drupal core, you probably got a shiver down your spine when I said that. Fortunately there is a solution.
Our New Project Management Process
Blog postAt the end of last year, our team outlined our goals for 2014 and reviewed our internal processes. We devised a new plan for managing our site development, and it has proven quite successful.
This week, as we continue our Webform Basics series, I walk through the many settings of the Webform module. I cover email settings, form settings, and global Webform settings. All of which will help make your form behave exactly how you want it!
In this lesson, we'll get a grasp on the form settings of our webform node. We'll explore submission settings, form access by role, and advanced settings and we'll take a quick look at some of the contexts in which these advanced settings apply, for example multipage forms.