While cURL may not be the simplest way to interact with a REST API it is the most ubiquitous and the one that is most often referenced in documentation through the web. So to ensure that students have at least a baseline of understanding, and will know how to read the documentation in the future, in this lesson Joe takes a quick look at how to test our API with cURL by retrieving, and creating data.
Example Commands:
`curl http://localhost/demos/services-7x/docroot/api/v1/node/1`
`curl --data '{"title":"hello world!","type":"page"}' --header "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost/demos/services-7x/docroot/api/v1/node`
Additional resources
Instead of using the CLI to test our API we can use the powerful Chrome REST Console plugin instead. This provides a nice GUI and makes it a little easier to both test and understand what is going on. In this lesson Joe looks at installing the plugin and making basic requests to our API using the REST Console interface.
Additional resources
The Chrome plugin demonstrated in this video is no longer available but there are many alternatives available. Use Postman or search for "REST client" to find tooling options.
Web services, APIs, and structured data are all the rage right now, and with good reason. As more and more internet enabled devices start wanting to make use of the data in our websites, we need to give them some way to interact with that data that isn't point and click in a browser. Enter the Drupal 7 services module.
In this series Joe Shindelar will walk through the services module and teach you how to create a RESTful web services API that exposes Drupal's internal data like nodes and users as JSON or XML. This paves the way for a huge variety of clients using a number of programming languages to access the data contained within your Drupal site, from native mobile applications and partner websites to internet enabled refrigerators.
The first few lessons in the series are focused more on theory. They explain the various terms that are used both in Drupal and the wider web development sphere to describe web services and all their components. Joe describes REST itself and explains why it's a good fit, and discusses Drupal 7's content model and the ways that it lends itself nicely to serializing data into various formats via the services module in order to be consumed in structured and meaningful ways.
Throughout the series we'll see a couple of examples of how to first enable Drupal to return requested data elements as JSON and then subsequently how to properly format an HTTP request to retrieve those elements. Joe will demonstrate making requests to the API via both cURL and the Chrome REST Console. This demonstration will help students to learn about both the Drupal configuration that is required and the way in which any third party applications can request data from Drupal via concrete examples.
With the basics of creating an endpoint and making simple requests out of the way, Joe will demonstrate how to enable authentication via the services module and then use both cURL and the REST Console to explain the authentication handshake: a somewhat complex exchange of a username and password for a session authentication token that takes place in HTTP requests and headers whenever you want to perform an action via the API that requires an authenticated user. This will enable to you create third party applications that can access Drupal as a specific user, allowing for greater personalization.
After that, Joe looks at ways to integrate the lists that site administrators create using the views module with services in order to output their contents as structured data, as well as ways to use views to create entirely new custom services resources, followed by an example of leveraging the power of views exposed filters via services.
Finally, for those scenarios where you simply can't point and click your way to an answer, Joe will teach you how to implement your own custom services resources for both saving and retrieving data from within Drupal, demonstrating the basic knowledge required to allow you to use services to solve all of your own custom API needs.
Things you'll be able to do after completion of this series:
- Understand the basic principles of both web services and RESTful APIs.
- Explain why Drupal is a good fit for web applications that want to allow third party clients to access their data.
- Create a RESTful web services API using the services module for Drupal 7.
- Retrieve data from your Drupal site in both JSON and XML format.
- Create new nodes in Drupal via web services.
- Make authenticated requests to Drupal via web serivces.
- Integrate the views module with services to retrieve views data in various formats.
- Write your own module providing custom services data and actions.
- Create meaningful documentation that will enable others to take advantage of your newly created service.
This series provides information about the services module for both intermediate and advanced Drupal users. Since this module makes use of basic Drupal site building skills and custom views, users should be familiar with those topics. Also, while not required, knowledge of running commands via the command line will be helpful. Finally, if you want to write your own custom services resources you'll need to understand basic module development.
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This lesson covers what an API is and why you might want to build one. Joe also explains the basic concepts behind any API and provides real world examples of existing APIs that you're probably familiar with as well as use cases for when and why you might want to build your own.
In this lesson Joe shows you where to locate the services module and it's documentation. Then walks through installing the services module and confirming that it's working. Followed by a quick overview of the module's codebase and a general overview of what the services module provides.
Additional resources
The API that we're going to be building through this series is a REST based API so we need to understand the basic tenants of RESTful web services. In this lesson Joe gives a short presentation explaining the basic terminology, workflow, and tennants of REST based web services.
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So far we've been looking at Webform from an administrator's point of view. Now it's time to take a step back and look at Webform from the perspective of anonymous users. We want to make sure that our users can do what we're asking and we're not creating security vulnerabilities. In this lesson, we'll configure permissions for our Webform case study.
In this lesson we'll add spam protection to our webforms using Honeypot module. We'll also take a second look at setting submission limits as a strategy for thwarting form submission abuse.
Additional resources
Introducing the Honeypot form spam protection module for Drupal
In this lesson, we'll explore the Results tab of our webform where we can view user submissions, get a basic analysis of our data, view the results as a table, download the results as a delimited text or Excel file, and clear all results.
Amber wraps up the series and takes a look back at what we covered in Webform Basics — from downloading and installing Webform module to building our form to analyzing the results.
In this lesson, we'll get a grasp on the form settings of our webform node. We'll explore submission settings, form access by role, and advanced settings and we'll take a quick look at some of the contexts in which these advanced settings apply, for example multipage forms.
In this lesson, we'll go over Webform's Global Settings. We'll learn how to attach forms and questionnaires to other content types besides the Webform content type. We'll discover how we can limit the list of available form components, set email header defaults, and take a look at the advanced options in Webform's global configuration.
Note: Webform settings are no longer set globally as described in this video. Instead you configure settings per content type. Go to Structure > Content Types and select the content type to edit. You can enable Webform for a content type in its edit form.
In this lesson, we'll configure email settings for the RSVP form. We'll go over the different email header options and customize the default message template, using special tokens that Webform module provides.
Webform Basics
CourseNow that we've created a webform node for our form to live, it's time to build the form itself and add the form fields that we'll use to collect responses. In this lesson, we'll add a textfield, select options and number inputs. We'll begin by taking a closer look at the webform in its final state to better understand where we're going, then we'll return to the webform node we created in lesson 2 and we'll add each form component, step-by-step.
this lesson, we'll configure Webform content type defaults and add our first Webform node.
Additional resources
In this series, Amber will show you how she gathered her wedding invitation responses on a Drupal site using Webform module. You'll learn how to:
- Collect data from users
- Build common types of form fields (including text fields, numeric inputs, and radio button option lists)
- View, export, and analyze those responses
- Automatically email responses as they're submitted
Understanding the basics of Webform empowers you to create your own custom forms such as surveys, feedback forms or your very own RSVP form. Dive in and learn the basics of Webform.
A theme is comprised of a collection of related files. Our completed theme will have CSS and PHP (with HTML fragments). To ensure all of these files are loaded, we need to tell Drupal where to find them, by listing the files in the theme's .info file. To begin working with our theme's info file we'll start with the only values which are required: name, version of Drupal core this theme can be applied to. We'll also add a few recommended pieces of information: description of the theme, the template engine, and a screen shot for easier selection of the theme from the administrative area. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to create an info file for a theme, and explore the relevant drupal.org handbook pages for more information on refining your theme's info file.
Our main focus for the Domicile theme is restyling Drupal's markup with CSS. Although it is tempting to put all of your CSS into a single file, things can quickly grow out of control. In our theme we'll break our CSS into smaller stub files to make the theme easier to maintain using the file naming conventions for Drupal 8.By the end of this lesson you will be able to incorporate CSS files into your theme via the theme's .info file.