Site Building

Content Moderation and Workflow for Drupal 7, 8, 9, and 10

The core content moderation and workflow modules can help support a flexible publication process. By defining a variety of states for content (Unpublished, Draft, Pending Review, Published, etc.) and managing the permissions around those state transitions site administrators can build up a workflow to support all but the most complicated of publishing processes.

Example tasks

  • Create additional publication states for your content (e.g., Draft)
  • Configure a more complex content publication Workflow (compared to Published vs Unpublished)


Drupal's Content Moderation and Workflows modules are stable and in core. There is a suite of contributed modules that provided additional functionality. All are actively being developed.

Drupalize.Me resources

Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
More information

Overview of the editorial workflow to manage content on a website.

Drupal 7


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External resources

  • Content Moderation module (Drupal Wiki) (
    • This is the official Drupal Wiki page for the core content moderation module. It provides a high level overview of the user interface for configuring a basic content moderation workflow.
  • Improving Drupal's content workflow (
    • This blog post from Drupal project leader Dries Buytaert provided the initial guidance for the content moderation and workflow initiative. While it's a bit old, it's a good introduction to the problem.