Site Building

Spotlight: Taxonomy for Drupal 7

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One of the basic tools for any news site, and most sites with a lot of content generally, is taxonomy. Taxonomy may sound like a big, fancy word, but it’s just a technical term for a way of organizing and classifying things, like content on a website. If you’ve sorted your family photo album, filed your email in folders, or argued with a friend about whether a band is punk or ska, you’ve already worked with taxonomies! If a site has a lot of content, editors need a way to group it into categories. By doing so, they make it possible for users to easily navigate the website and find the content they’re looking for. Additionally, assigning content to categories, whether by using a predefined set of sections or a free-for-all tagging system, opens up all sorts of interesting possibilities. For instance, site builders can expose content with similar tags on article pages. Or they can turn the category pages into rich landing pages, pulling in all kinds of different content that has the same categories assigned to it. In this lesson we will cover the basic things you need to understand about Drupal taxonomies: vocabularies, terms, and how to use them with content types.

Additional resources

Using Drupal, 2nd edition

Using Drupal source code

Drupalize.Me Guide: Using Drupal Book by O'Reilly Media

Using Drupal Book by O'Reilly Media