We've been so busy adding and updating our content that we haven't had a chance to write about what we've done lately -- until now! Here's what we've been working on these past few months.
New or significantly updated tutorials:
- Arrays and Objects in Twig; also replaced video to include Drupal-specific examples
- Changes to reflect the new name of the process plugin "migration"
- Cache API Overview
- Define a New Render Element Type
- Define an Asset Library
- Field API Hooks
- Field API Overview
- Movie Projects 24-36 (see our blog post)
- A group of 16 tutorials about the Render API, which begins with the Render API Overview
- Twig Syntax Delimiters
- Twig Template Inheritance: new graphic, added info about Twig's include function
- EntityQuery tutorial for Drupal 8.3
New Videos: May and June 2017
We publish the written version of our tutorials first, while we continue work on the longer video production process. These tutorials now have videos embedded in them:
- Arrays and Objects in Twig
- Core Theme: Stark
- Core Theme: Bartik
- Create a Responsive Image Style for Viewport Sizing
- Output Content with a Template File
- Render API Overview (Free)
- Render API Renderers
- Responsive Image Module
- Twig Syntax Delimiters
- Use Lazy Builders and Placeholders
- Use Render Element Types in a Render Array
- What Are Render Arrays?
- What Are Render Elements?
We hope you're enjoying the benefits of our recent work! But we're not done yet. You can look forward to more new and updated tutorials every month, including more videos for Twig tutorials and new Entity API tutorials. We also have begun to work on our Drupal 8 web services and testing series.
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