
Drupal 8 is Responsive, But What Does That Mean?

Drupal 8's out-of-the-box mobile friendliness creates quite the buzz. "Mobile friendly," "responsive," "squishy" — all words to describe the behavior a site invokes on different devices or different screen sizes. Mobile friendly can also mean content first. From a big screen to a little screen, things look different. Images change sizes, menu items become drop-downs, columns are pushed around to locations that make sense with content being the supreme real-estate. So if Drupal is mobile friendly out of the box that must mean I am 100% good to go with all my websites using Drupal 8.

Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 42

In this week's episode, 42: Content Delivery Systems (CDNs), Addi is joined by two bots, Joe Shindelar and Ben Chavet, along with Will Hetherington, who is a network consultant for Drupalize.Me. We chat about what a CDN is, why and how people use them, and share some information about how we have our CDN set up here for Drupalize.Me.

We Want to Know: Got Plans for Learning Drupal 8?

Hey Drupal community! Drupal 8 is on the horizon, and Drupalize.Me is gearing up to produce hundreds of new videos. Before getting started, we want to know what training you need. Please tell us by completing the following survey. Thanks!

Release Day: Geocoding Addresses and Mapping Multiple Locations

So far in the Mapping with Leaflet series, we've taken advantage of the field formatter provided by the Leaflet module to display a map on a page for a piece of content containing location data. This resulted in a single marker on a map. But what about a map of multiple locations? For this, we'll get to use Views and the Leaflet Views module that is included in the Leaflet project download. We'll also address a common problem of transforming postal addresses into geocoded data that a map can use. For this, we'll look at a solution that integrates Geocoder and Address Field modules. As a bonus, I'll walk you through the process of configuring a Feeds Importer to work with the esoteric and possibly confusing Address Field targets and I'll demonstrate how to import .CSV text file of postal addresses into Address Field, which is then geocoded and displayed on a Leaflet map.

Let's Debug Twig in Drupal 8!

When I am theming a Drupal site, I need to know which variables are available on a template file. In Drupal 8, the template engine is Twig, so we’re going to need to know a little bit of Twig to make this work. So, if Twig is totally new to you, don’t worry. Today, you’ll learn some Twig!

Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 41

In Episode 41, Virtualization with Vagrant, Emma Jane Westby and Erika Heidi chat about creating virtual environments with Vagrant. Through their light-hearted approach to technical topics, we hope Emma and Erika are able to make Vagrant seem a little more accessible, if not downright fun.

A Look Inside Drupal 8's Block Plugin API

The concept of blocks has been around in Drupal since the earliest versions. Chunks of information that can be placed into the regions provided by a theme and re-used throughout your site. The system for defining blocks in code has changed quite a bit for Drupal 8 though so it's worth taking a fresh look at how to create blocks in your own module. Especially since in my experience it's one of the first things we need to know how to do as module developers.

Webinar: Easily Create Maps with Leaflet

Curious about Leaflet? Join Drupalize.Me Trainer Amber Matz for a live tutorial on how to add Leaflet maps to your Drupal site during this Acquia hosted webinar on May 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM EDT.

Hiding Form Fields in Drupal 8

If you have worked with the Field UI in Drupal 7 you will know that you are able to prevent fields from being displayed when viewing entities (e.g. content, users etc). It was fairly simple, you would go to the Manage Display tab of an entity and move the field to the ‘Hidden’ region as shown in the screenshot below.

Dupalize.Me Podcast Episode 40

Ever wonder what it means to host your site in "the cloud"? This week's Drupalize.Me podcast, Drupal in the Cloud, uncovers these mysteries. We discuss: what differentiates cloud providers; what it takes to get Drupal in the cloud; and what the future of cloud computing looks like.

What is Drupal (8)?

With the release of Drupal 8 approaching, it’s time again to answer and update the age old question: What is Drupal?

Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 39

If you are looking for good community event ideas, or just want to understand some of what goes into planning an event, check out this week's Drupalize.Me podcast on The Story of the TCD'OH Drupal Unconference. Addi and Joe Shindelar hop on the line with Barry Madore and Tim Erikson to discuss why they did an unconference, and how they pulled it off. As a hint, it is less work than a DrupalCamp, but still requires a little thought about how to structure the unstructured day.

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Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more