
Free PSD to Theme Webinar

In 2008 I started on my big Drupal theming adventure by co-authoring Front End Drupal with Konstantin Käfer. Since that time thousands of people have learned Drupal theming through this book, and my presentations and workshops. My most popular workshop, PSD to Theme, is now available as a video lesson series here at Drupalize.Me.

A Few Bug Fixes

We hear you and we're fixing up the bugs and suggestions you are submitting. Thank you SO much. Hearing from our members is the best way for us to know what we're doing right, or where we need to improve. We've just released some updates on the site, and we will be doing weekly releases going forward. Every week we'll keep you apprised of the things we're fixing, and the cool new features we'll be adding. We have a big list of fun stuff we want to do, and we're excited to start sharing them with you.

Release Day: Going from Design to Finished Theme

We're super excited to release a new series this week, which has been a highly requested one on our suggestion list: PSD to Drupal Theme. This series walks you through the process of converting a static design into a Drupal theme. We'll be covering strategies for breaking down your design into Drupal pieces, extracting your design assets, and working with those components in your CSS. Along the way you're going to also be introduced to grid frameworks, Sass, and other very helpful general web development tools. At the end you will have a theme that you can install and enable on your Drupal site. Having a little bit of Drupal site building experience, and a little bit of Web experience (HTML and CSS) will be helpful but it's not required, so if you find the world of Drupal themes mysterious, this is a great series to clear the fog.

Goodbye Membership Holds

During the recent Drupalize.Me site upgrade, we removed the ability to put temporary holds on memberships with an automatic billing reactivation. (Curiously, this functionally created more problems than it ever solved; lesson learned!) Now, we're giving you control by having you cancel your billing, and reactivate it when you are ready.  If you wish to stop your membership for any length of time, simply cancel billing via your account dashboard.

Release Day: Wrapping up Media 2.x

This week, we're finishing up our Using Drupal, Chapter 4 series, which covers media management with Media 2. We finish off our site by adding the ability to embed YouTube videos on the site very easily. This introduces us to the Media Internet Sources module and the concept of stream wrappers. Once we've finished building the site, we take a look at some ways to extend the site further on your own, and then summarize everything we've done to get to the final product.

Things I Learned From Managing My First Project

A very long time ago I was an account manager for a very tiny web development firm. We managed about 100 accounts, although at any given time there were only a dozen or so active projects. I enjoyed the juggling and the coordination of the tasks, but I grew impatient with our developer, and taught myself more and more coding skills so that I could take on more and more of the tasks myself. Since then I've worn many hats, and coordinated many projects, but this year was the first time I officially wore the hat of "Project Manager" in my new position at Drupalize.Me. I learned a lot along the way about how to work with an internal project team. Most of it was obvious, but it took the school of hard knocks to bring me back to basics. Here are a few of the truisms I wish I'd remembered sooner rather than later.

Learning Through Celebration

During DrupalCon Prague I had the pleasure of giving a presentation about teaching Drupal 8 as part of the core conversations track. In the presentation I talked a lot about providing a good learning environment for people starting with Drupal 8, and removing the fear and uncertainty that are so counter to learning. One of the key points that I made during the presentation was that I want to see the leaders in our community step up and promote the things that they are excited about in Drupal 8.

Release Day: Text Formats, WYSIWYG, and Media

After a brief break from our video schedule, we are back on track this week, picking up the trail on the Using Drupal Chapter 4, Media Management series. In these three lessons we'll take a look at how to get media into the body of our content, instead of as a separate field in our nodes. We'll look at what general solutions are out there for web development, by taking a look at tools like BUEditor, Markdown, and CKEditor and explaining what WYSIWYG is all about.

A Short Intermission

You may have noticed that we don't have any new videos out for this week. We're taking a short break in our video production schedule so that we can focus on our brand new site that we just launched last week. We're really proud of the work we've done, and we've gotten lots of great feedback from our members. We still have a number of outstanding bugs we need to iron out, and our plan is to keep rolling out bug fixes this week. So keep your eyes peeled for more cool stuff on the way!

Fixing Things Up

Well, last week we launched the new version of our website, and while overall the feedback has been great, we also realize that we had a few mistakes on the site as well. We've been working hard to nip lots of little bugs over the last week, and we've also heard your feedback about watching the videos that belong to a series. I'm happy to say that we've just pushed a release that addresses some of our most pressing feedback.

Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 30

We launched our new site this week! It was a lot of work, and there is still a ton more work to do. We decided to get on podcast episode #30 and talk about what the process has been like for us, and share some of what has changed on the site, along with some lessons learned. If you'd like to hear more about various aspects of the site, or our upgrade process, please do let us know, and we'll try to get it into another podcast soon.

Welcome to Our New Site

We redesigned the site and upgraded to Drupal 7! A lot of the site and features remain the same, but we do have some changes we'd like to point out.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more