Views in Drupal
GuideViews API in Drupal
CourseLayout Builder
GuideManaging Media in Drupal
CourseMedia API in Drupal
CourseMigrating to Drupal
CourseExtend the Migrate API
CourseIn Drupal’s core library there are a number of utility functions and classes that, as a module developer, you will find make your task easier or less tedious.
TopicDrupal's Routing API maps the URL of an incoming request to the code responsible for generating the content that is rendered in response.
TopicServices are objects that encapsulate the code for performing specific tasks in a reusable and decoupled way.
Plugins (Plugin API)
TopicPlugins are one of the ways that module developers can write code that extends Drupal. The Drupal Plugin API allows a module to provide functionality in an extensible, object-oriented way.
Dependency Injection
TopicDependency injection is a design pattern commonly used in object-oriented software architectures in order to support Inversion of Control.
Drupal's Entity system provides several hooks that allow custom code to interact with various parts of the entity life cycle.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Examine the available hooks
- Learn how to make use of them to act on several different types of operations on individual entities
By the end if this tutorial you should have a better understanding of the hooks available to developers who want to respond to entity lifecycle operations and how to use them to customize the way specific entity types work.
On occasion you may need to modify the behavior of entity types defined by another module. Thankfully Drupal includes several alter hooks that can be used to override the behavior of another entity.
In this tutorial we will:
- Walk through the common Entity API hooks
- Look at example implementations of each
- And discuss the use cases for each
By the end of this tutorial you will have a better understanding of how to override the default behavior of an entity type provided by Drupal core (or another contributed module) within your custom code.