In these five lessons wrapping up Chapter 5: Product Reviews, Addison Berry covers how to make your product reviews findable with Drupal's Search module as well as exposed filters in Views.
Case studies can provide a much needed context when learning a new concept or technology. Each learning series based on the book Using Drupal, 2nd edition outlines a case study that our trainer, Addison Berry, uses to provide something akin to client requirements for a Drupal 7 site build. Our latest series, Using Drupal Chapter 6: Event Management, features a local book club that wants to provide an events calendar and list of upcoming events on their Drupal 7 website.
Drupal 8 External Libraries Galore!
Blog postThere are lots of goodies coming in Drupal 8. A lot of work has gone into bring Drupal up to modern web standards. In addition to digging into Drupal-specific problems, a lot of work has gone into removing some of the custom overhead we have by incorporating a number of external libraries—that is, code that other communities have created and maintain, and does not live on Adding external libraries means that we are working with these other open source communities to maintain our code, and that lets us focus on the Drupalisms we need, instead of re-inventing the wheel all over the place. This is the biggest growth for exernal libraries that we've ever seen, and I decided to take a look at what we have in core now.
Drupal 8 Survey Insights
Blog postLast month we asked the Drupal community a few questions. We received 243 responses to our survey, and we'd like to share some of the information. While we're not making scientific generalizations from this data, it is an interesting picture of our community nonetheless. A big thank you to everyone who participated in the survey.
Here are 4 things we learned:
Web Profiler in Drupal 8
Blog postProfiling your site is extremely useful not only for debugging and performance testing but also for learning about how your site handles requests.
The Date and Calendar modules are powerful and full of configuration options. When I was first learning how to use these modules, I scratched my head more than a few times trying to make sense of it all.
This week we'll wrap up the series, Using Drupal Chapter 6: Event Management with these five videos:
On, Drupal 8 promotion is in full-swing. Features and benefits are being touted and summarized right and left. One of the categories of improvement summed up on the Drupal 8 features page is "Accessibility." I went digging for more information on how accessibility improvements have been integrated in Drupal 8 and I found a number of resources on the effort to improve accessibility in D8.
Our latest series, Using Drupal Chapter 7: Managing Publishing Workflows, focuses on the problem of managing content and the review process in a team setting. This week, we'll be introduced to the case study, explore the core Taxonomy module, and get to work categorizing content. We'll also take a look at the Pathauto module, its extensive settings, and we'll set up automatic aliasing to enable "pretty" URLs for content pages.
Drupal 8 Resources
Blog postThe Drupalize.Me team has been blogging and podcasting about Drupal 8 discussions, features, and significant milestones on the road to beta. Recently, we compiled our Drupal 8 resources here:
Creating a good editorial system can mean many different things. The Workbench module provides the main pieces that make up the heart of this system for the Our Media demo site we're building. Workbench gives us a centralized workspace for the editorial team, a way to control editorial access to content in the various sections of the site, and a very flexible tool to create custom publication workflows.
This week we are finishing the Our Media news site project from the O'Reilly Using Drupal book. We will complete setting up our section editor access control with the Workbench Access module, by linking our News Section vocabulary to Workbench, and then testing things out.
Last week we started off two new series on Media module, each covering a different major version. This week we are plowing ahead with the Using Drupal Chapter 4: Media Management series, which covers Media version 2.x. These lessons will give you an overview of the Media Module and the various things it will do for us. After that, we're going to dive right in to building our music review site by building out the review content type, and playing around with our field display to make sure things are looking the way we intend.
Welcome to Our New Site
Blog postWe redesigned the site and upgraded to Drupal 7! A lot of the site and features remain the same, but we do have some changes we'd like to point out.
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 30
Blog postWe launched our new site this week! It was a lot of work, and there is still a ton more work to do.
Learning Through Celebration
Blog postDuring DrupalCon Prague I had the pleasure of giving a presentation about teaching Drupal 8 as part of the core conversations track. In the presentation I talked a lot about providing a good learning environment for people starting with Drupal 8, and removing the fear and uncertainty that are so counter to learning. One of the key points that I made during the presentation was that I want to see the leaders in our community step up and promote the things that they are excited about in Drupal 8.
A Short Intermission
Blog postYou may have noticed that we don't have any new videos out for this week. We're taking a short break in our video production schedule so that we can focus on our brand new site that we just launched last week. We're really proud of the work we've done, and we've gotten lots of great feedback from our members. We still have a number of outstanding bugs we need to iron out, and our plan is to keep rolling out bug fixes this week. So keep your eyes peeled for more cool stuff on the way!
Fixing Things Up
Blog postWell, last week we launched the new version of our website, and while overall the feedback has been great, we also realize that we had a few mistakes on the site as well. We've been working hard to nip lots of little bugs over the last week, and we've also heard your feedback about watching the videos that belong to a series. I'm happy to say that we've just pushed a release that addresses some of our most pressing feedback.
After a brief break from our video schedule, we are back on track this week, picking up the trail on the Using Drupal Chapter 4, Media Management series.
A very long time ago I was an account manager for a very tiny web development firm. We managed about 100 accounts, although at any given time there were only a dozen or so active projects. I enjoyed the juggling and the coordination of the tasks, but I grew impatient with our developer, and taught myself more and more coding skills so that I could take on more and more of the tasks myself. Since then I've worn many hats, and coordinated many projects, but this year was the first time I officially wore the hat of "Project Manager" in my new position at Drupalize.Me. I learned a lot along the way about how to work with an internal project team. Most of it was obvious, but it took the school of hard knocks to bring me back to basics. Here are a few of the truisms I wish I'd remembered sooner rather than later.