Meet Project Manager Alice Jensen
Blog postWe interview Alice Jensen about what it means to be a project manager and share advice from her experience. Copenhagen-based Project Manager (PM) Alice Jensen has been Drupaling since 2012. Her coworkers describe her with affection, using words such as "fearless", "calm", and "passionate". Read more about Alice's approach to her job as a project manager in this Drupalize.Me interview, part of our Drupal roles series.
What's New at Drupalize.Me - September
Blog postIt's that time again! Here's an overview of our big accomplishments in September, including the inside scoop on a Drupal 8 release and what that means for our training, the tutorials we've published this month, and tech updates for the site.
Meet Drupal Site Builder Scott Wilkinson
Blog postIn this Drupalize.Me interview, we interview Scott Wilkinson, a builder of Drupal sites that solve problems for his freelance clientele. This interview is part of an ongoing series where we talk with a variety of people in the Drupal community about the work they do. Each interview focuses on a particular Drupal role and this interview with Scott focuses the site builder role, filled by a person who builds Drupal sites by expertly piecing together and configuring modules, themes, and settings.
Drupal 8, Release Candidate 1
Blog postHow to Log Messages in Drupal 8
Blog postDevelopers familiar with Drupal 7 will also be familiar with watchdog(), an API function that allows you to create a log message that appears on the Reports page in the Drupal administrative UI. Implementing D7’s hook_watchdog allows module developers to customize the destination of these log messages. In Drupal 8, both functions are replaced by a PSR-3-compatible logging interface (change notice).
Meet Front-End Developer Tiffany Tse
Blog postIn this Drupalize.Me interview, we talked with Tiffany Tse, front-end developer, Creative Director for Coldfront Labs, Inc., and instructor at Alongquin College. This interview is part of an ongoing series where we talk with a variety of people in the Drupal community about the work they do. Each interview focuses on a particular Drupal role and this interview with Tiffany focuses on the front-end developer and themer role.
Meet Project Manager Jeanne Cost
Blog postIn this Drupalize.Me interview, we talk with Jeanne Cost, project manager at Fuse IQ, based in Seattle, Washington. This interview is part of an ongoing series where we talk with a variety of people in the Drupal community about the work they do. Each interview focuses on a particular Drupal role and this interview with Jeanne focuses on the project manager role.
Drupalize.Me Is Going to ZendCon
Blog postWe'll be attending ZendCon 2015 this week, learning about what the PHP community is up to, and sharing our Drupal knowledge.
Meet Drupal Developer Kate Marshalkina
Blog postIn this Drupalize.Me interview, we talk with Kate Marshalkina, senior developer at SystemSeed, based in Moscow, Russia. This interview is part of an ongoing series where we talk with a variety of people in the Drupal community about the work they do. Each interview focuses on a particular Drupal role and this interview with Kate focuses on the developer role.
Meet Front-End Developer Helena Zubkow
Blog postIn this Drupalize.Me interview, we talk with Helena Zubkow, front-end developer at Lullabot, based in Orlando, Florida. This interview is part of an ongoing series where we talk with a variety of people in the Drupal community about the work they do. Each interview focuses on a particular Drupal role and this interview with Helena focuses on the front-end developer role.
LaunchCode Education Partnership
Blog postWe're now a LaunchCode Education Partner, and we're thrilled to introduce you to this great organization!
In this series, Object-Oriented PHP Part 3, we'll teach you all about inheritance in PHP, including how that works in classes, abstractions, and interfaces. These concepts are keys to understanding the code you will see in Drupal 8 modules.
Role-Based Learning Pathways
Blog postToday we're introducing a new learning tool: role-based learning pathways!
Do you want to build Drupal sites? Do you want to work with Drupal themes or become a Drupal developer? If yes, then these pathways are for you. Check them out, and start learning (more) Drupal!
In 2015, we released a series called What's New In Drupal 8, which gives an overview of the different things that have changed in the upcoming version of Drupal. We've added a "Notify me" button to these particular lessons so members can get added to a notification list for that topic.
Meet Drupal Developer Mike Bell
Blog postIn this Drupalize.Me interview, we talk with Mike Bell, a Senior Developer at CTI Digital. This interview is part of an ongoing series where we talk with a variety of people in the Drupal community about the work they do. Each interview focuses on a particular Drupal role and this interview with Mike focuses on the developer role.
A Simple Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 Migration
Blog postWith the official release date of Drupal 8 right around the corner, I wanted to take a look at how much effort would be required to migrate our blog to Drupal 8. In this blog post we'll take a look at the current documentation, and status of the migrate module in Drupal core as well as a couple of contributed modules that can help us out.
Meet Project Manager Sean Lange
Blog postWe asked Sean Lange what it means to be a project manager and for some advice from his experience. Sean is an advocate for developers and project manager at Lullabot, a fully distributed digital agency. Read more about Sean's approach to his role as a project manager in this Drupalize.Me interview, part of our Drupal roles series.
Improved Tutorials
Blog postWe're introducing a new way of presenting educational material on our site that allows for more flexibility in the types of content we include and how we present it. Read more to find out about our new tutorials and what you can expect to see as we begin rolling out our Drupal 8 content.
Drupal 8.0.0 Released
Blog postIt's finally here! Drupal 8.0.0 was just released, and our team is busy producing new tutorials.
Join the Hour of Code - December 7-13
Blog postThe Hour of Code ( is coming up again soon during December 7-13. What is this, you ask? It is an event that provides a one-hour introduction to computer science to people around the world.