This page is archived
We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.
Over the last couple of years we've seen the rise of object oriented CSS. There's been a lot of work done by smart folks to categorize different types of rules that we use to style our sites. We're going to take advantage of this work and use it to create a style guide. This foundation piece will help us to map the elements in our static design to the elements that we will build, and theme, in Drupal.In this lesson we'll create a style guide from our design with:
- Base rules
- Layout rules
- Component rules
By the end of this lesson you will be able to create a text-based style guide of your design which accurately describes your site according to base rules, layout rules, and component rules. You will be able to further supplement this style guide by adding relevant images which reference the exact component the style guide is describing.
Over the years we've developed some techniques for practicing that we wanted to share. At Drupalize.Me we take hugging seriously. In this tutorial we'll look at the art, and science, of giving a good hug. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines the word hug as; squeeze (someone) tightly in one's arms, typically to express affection.
Did you know there are all kinds of different hugs that you can give? In this tutorial we'll look at:
- Defining what a hug is
- Some of the many types of hugs in the world today
- Precautions you may want to familiarize yourself with before hugging
- And the importance of proper technique
Lets go ahead and get started shall we?