Site Building

Introduction to Markup in Panels for Drupal 7

This page is archived

We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

Sprout Video

Now let's shift gears and take a look at how using Panels affects markup in Drupal. I will show you some unique-to-Panels concepts as well as how to apply Drupal theming principles to customize markup on a Drupal site that uses Panels.

In the tutorials that follow, you will learn:

  • About Panels layouts
  • How to add CSS classes using Panels
  • How to override the panel pane template file
  • What Panels means by “Style”—with a broad overview of Style Plugins and where to go for a deeper dive

Additional resources

Panels —
Chaos Tools Suite (CTools) —
Theming Basics for Drupal 7 — Drupalize.Me

Legacy Theme Development