
Restoring the Natural Flow of Elements for Drupal 7

Last updated

This page is archived

We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

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Sprout Video

While it's not forbidden to use absolute positioning in responsive designs, the way that absolute positioning was utilized in the original theme is less than ideal as we work on moving theme toward flexibility, fluidity, and responsiveness. 

In this lesson, we'll focus on putting elements in the header back into the natural flow of the document. We'll refactor some HTML and CSS, removing absolute positioning declarations and change the source order of some elements in our page template file.

Restoring the natural order and flow of the document will make things easier for us down the road as we adapt our components to stack into one-column in small screens.

Additional resources (checkout branch 07-08-flow-media-queries)

Legacy Theme Development