
Release Day: Using Drupal to Build Multilingual Websites

Building multilingual websites in Drupal can be a daunting exercise. Understanding how each module works and how which set of configuration it provides is a task in and of itself. In this series based on Using Drupal, 2nd edition, Chapter 8: Multilingual, from O'Reilly Media, Addison Berry walks through a case study, module spotlights, and hands-on configuration that will help you understand and utilize the multilingual capabilities provided by both core and contributed modules.

Drupal 8 Brings New Things but Leaves a Few Things Behind

When Drupal 8 ships, site administrators and site builders will notice lots of new, shiny features. Most of these we've already covered in this series of blog posts—Learning from Trial and Error. But one thing that may take a bit to notice are those things that have been pruned. Unless you have a need for these features, you won’t really notice they've been pulled from Core and no longer in existence or now exist as contributed modules. Let’s take a look at what's been removed: (source):

Release Day: Introduction to Context and Bean

In this series, we are going to cover two modules that assist in laying out content when building your Drupal website: Context and Bean. We will cover advantages, disadvantages, and differences between Context, Bean, and Drupal core as a standalone product.  Drupal works on what is called a "block system" that allows site builders and content creators to layout portions of their content into different areas (regions) of a given page.

Release Day: Dependency Injection, Namespaces and Composer

Ready to get up to speed on current PHP tools and techniques? This week we're excited to provide to our wonderful members more new PHP videos from our partners over at KnpUniversity, a leading provider of PHP and Symfony video tutorials. All of this week's tutorials are also completely FREE!

How to Add Responsive Tables to Content in Drupal 8

It is claimed that "every HTML table in Drupal 8 is responsive." What this actually means is that tables in the Drupal 8 admin UI are responsive and also that in Views, if you select a Table format, you have the opportunity to prioritize columns that will hide upon reaching narrower breakpoints. The strategy that is employed is that of adding "priority" classes to table cells and a "responsive-enabled" class to the table tag. At a tablet breakpoint, the "priority-low" table columns will hide and at the mobile breakpoint, the "priority-medium" columns will also not display.

Our Favorite HTML and CSS Resources

You want to learn HTML and CSS, or maybe you just need a refresher on the current state of web technology—where should you start? This is a question we get asked a lot at Drupalize.Me. Our theming and module development videos often assume that you're familiar with basic HTML and CSS, so here is a list of our favorite resources.

Even More PHP Tutorials

We're delighted to release another installment of PHP for Beginners videos from our amazing partners over at KnpUniversity. In these video tutorials, you'll learn all about HTTP responses and requests and step-by-step, how to process a form using php and JSON. Leanna takes you under the hood of a web page, showing you what information is being passed along and how you can make use of it in your PHP script.

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Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more