Drupalize.Me Free Icon Package
Blog postAre you finding yourself searching for some new icons to use on your latest project? Drupalize.Me loves helping out the Drupal community, and people in general, so for this post I thought it would be fitting to provide you with a carefully designed free icon set.
Today we're excited to roll out a new installment in our series on Building Websites in Drupal 7 with Panels. In the continuation of this series, I will be walking you through modules and functionality provided by Panels, CTools, Page Manager, Views and more.
Welcome Betty Tran
Blog postWe're welcoming a new member to the Drupalize.Me team this week! Say hello to Betty Tran.
Podcast 45: Keeping Up with Drupal News
Blog postThis week's podcast, Episode 45: Keeping Up with Drupal News, gets into the why and how of the flow of Drupal community information.
Today, we've got another batch of video tutorials to wrap up our series on Building Websites in Drupal with Panels. This week's lessons focus on other modules related to Panels such as Mini Panels, Panel Nodes, and Panelizer modules.
When I first started learning Drupal, I remember the process of enabling and disabling modules on the Modules page took for-ev-er. My laptop was in serious danger of getting hurled across the room, due to my frustration. Then I discovered drush, and downloading and enabling modules was now performed with ease instead of pain and suffering. Of course there's a lot more you can do with drush than just download and enable modules, this is just one example.
New Video Tutorials
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 46
Blog postFor this week's episode on the podcast, 46: Updating the Drupalize.Me Video Experience, Addi is joined by Joe Shindelar, Justin Harrell, and Amber Matz to discuss the why, what, and h
Awesome Support, Now with More Awesome
Blog postWe're always striving to provide great support to our current and prospective members. To that end, we're always looking for better ways to listen and keep track of our what our customers are saying — whether they're new, long-time members, or moving on.
We're excited to announce a new partnership with KNP Labs to provide our members with expert PHP and Symfony2 lessons.
New PHP Video Tutorials
Blog postThis week we are finishing up PHP for Beginners, Part 1 by wrapping up the project we started in last week's tutorials.
In this week's podcast, episode 47: Drupal as a Services Platform, we discuss as all things web services, REST, and headless Drupal.
Unraveling the Drupal 8 Plugin System
Blog postPlugins play an important role in Drupal 8, and understanding how the entire plugin system works will help us better understand how, when, where, and why we use plugins.
This week we're releasing a new series entirely devoted to using the Drupal 7 Token API. This series covers everything you need to know about creating, exposing, and using tokens in your Drupal modules. Since tokens can be a bit confusing, we kick things off with a presentation that covers what tokens are, some history, what problems tokens solve, and the token syntax. This is followed by the Drupal 7 Tokens Site Setup lesson that walks through the specific use-case that we'll be solving for in this series and a demonstration of the end result so that if you're following along you'll know where we're headed.
Even More PHP Tutorials
Blog postWe're delighted to release another installment of PHP for Beginners videos from our amazing partners over at KnpUniversity. In these video tutorials, you'll learn all about HTTP responses and requests and step-by-step, how to process a form using php and JSON. Leanna takes you under the hood of a web page, showing you what information is being passed along and how you can make use of it in your PHP script.
Drupal 8 Beta is So Close
Blog postRecently, the biggest piece of news in the Drupal 8 world is that we are finally down to just one beta-blocker. This is really great, but what does it mean exactly? Well, in the big picture it means that we are very close to releasing a beta version of Drupal 8 for everyone to start playing with, and this is a major step towards getting the final release out the door.
Drupalize.Me is Hiring!
Blog postDrupalize.Me is looking for a Drupal trainer and developer to join our team.
In this week's podcast, Episode 48: Demystifying the Sprint, Kyle Hofmeyer talks with Cathy Theys (yesct), Michael Schmid (schnitzel), and Emma Karayiannis (emma.maria).
Our Favorite HTML and CSS Resources
Blog postYou want to learn HTML and CSS, or maybe you just need a refresher on the current state of web technology—where should you start? This is a question we get asked a lot at Drupalize.Me. Our theming and module development videos often assume that you're familiar with basic HTML and CSS, so here is a list of our favorite resources.