Site Building

Case Study: Band Wagon for Drupal 7

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Sprout Video

In this lesson, we take a look at our Band Wagon case study, and then we'll go through our implementation plan and see how we're going to tackle this one. In our case study, John and Lisa decide to make a website to share information about all the music they love, including videos, photos and reviews, and they want their friends have a voice on the site as well.

First of all, they need to be able to upload images to the site, and have an image that's small in one location but full-sized in other locations. We'll want to embed some videos, as well.

Their friends don't know how to write HTML, so we let them use a simple form to select media, and maybe reuse other people's images. We want to provide them with a WYSIWYG tool bar, an editor that helps them write HTML without coding.

How will this work? We'll use Drupal Core's Image Module and image styles, and expand the Media Module. For our WYSIWYG editor we're going to use the WYSIWYG Module, and then we're going to need to get an editor that we can plug into it.

Additional resources

Using Drupal, 2nd edition

Using Drupal source code

Drupalize.Me Guide: Using Drupal Book by O'Reilly Media

Using Drupal Book by O'Reilly Media