Site Building

Spotlight: Media Internet Sources for Drupal 7

This page is archived

We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

Sprout Video

The Media module for Drupal 7 not only supports adding and managing media that is uploaded from a user’s computer into Drupal, but it also comes with a submodule, called Media Internet Sources, that allows using media assets from various Internet locations. In this lesson we'll look at what media internet sources can do for us and quickly explain what stream wrappers are and how they relate to what we want to do on the site.

Additional resources

Using Drupal, 2nd edition

Modules that extend Media

Drupalize.Me Guide: Using Drupal Book by O'Reilly Media

Using Drupal Book by O'Reilly Media