
Custom Drupal-to-Drupal Migrations with Migrate Tools

Drupal 8.1 now provides a user interface (UI) for conducting a Drupal-to-Drupal migration. Since there is no direct upgrade path for Drupal 6 or 7 to 8, you should become familiar with the migrate system in Drupal, as it will allow you to migrate your content from previous versions to Drupal 8.

In the Community: Migrate, Documentation and Events

So far, 2016 has been a great year for Drupal and Drupalize.Me. We started off as our own company, and we’ve been heads-down on lots of new Drupal 8 tutorials. We have a deep love for Drupal and the community around here—so in addition to working hard at our business, we encourage each other to roll up our sleeves in the wider community as well. Here’s a little rundown of what’s been on our team’s radar recently.

Release Day: Explore JavaScript Libraries in Drupal Core

Today I'm happy to say we've added three more tutorial to our theme guide that expand on JavaScript Libraries in Drupal. We now have tutorials that provide some orientation and basic exposure to Modernizr.js, Underscore.js, and Backbone.js and how to use them in a theme or module.

New Tutorial Format Feedback

Last year we launched a new written format for our tutorials. We’re really excited about this format because it gives us the flexibility to present information in whatever way makes the most sense. With text and video on the same page, it's easy to find what you need, and it gives you the option to learn however you learn best.

Drupal 6 End-of-Life and Migration Planning

Drupal 6 was released in February of 2008 and on February 26th, 2016, after 7 years, Drupal 6 was retired, in accordance with the Drupal community’s policy of only providing active support for two major versions of Drupal at any given time. While it is possible to migrate a Drupal 6 (or 7) site to Drupal 8, the tools are still in flux. While simple sites make for simple migrations—since most sites are not simple and require considerable research, planning, and effort to migrate—migration remains a complex process. Continue reading to find out more about how Drupal 6's end-of-life impacts Drupal site owners and what options you have if you still run a Drupal 6 site.

Release Day: Our Drupal 8 Theming Guide

Today, we're super excited to publish our Drupal 8 Theming guide, a collection of tutorials that will teach you everything you need to know to create amazing Drupal 8 themes. We've put hundreds of hours into researching, digesting and understanding the Drupal 8 theme system. We've poured over the existing documentation and helped to update it whenever we could. We've read the code that makes it all possible, we've dissected core and contributed themes, and talked with front-end developers at Lullabot about their experiences, in order to learn about best practices and unique challenges. And then we boiled it all down into the ultimate Drupal 8 theming guide.

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Last year was a year of waiting for Drupal 8 and working on big changes at Drupalize.Me. Now that we’re into 2016, I want to take a break to reflect on 2015 and take a look at where we’re headed next.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more