
Our Development Workflow and Pantheon Multidev

When we were considering switching to the Pantheon hosting platform, one of the features that made us confident in our decision is what they call Multidev.

At its core, Multidev is just a method of spinning up complete environments for code that hasn't yet been merged into the main development branch. The main benefit to this is that it makes it incredibly easy to build a complete website environment that parallels your live site where any team member can functionally and visually test changes before they're fully merged.

This blog post covers the Drupalize.Me team's development workflow, and how we're using Pantheon's Multidev to be more efficient.

The New Drupal 8 Initiatives

You may have heard of a variety of Drupal 8 initiatives during the development cycle leading up to Drupal 8.0.0 being released in 2015. These were officially recognized efforts to get a variety of big changes into Drupal 8, and included projects such as configuration management, Views in core, and multilingual improvements. A lot of work from those initiatives is now part of Drupal 8. Not everything got in though, and as time moves on some priorities for new work will always shift.

Load Testing Our Site on Pantheon

I did some load testing to try and answer the question; How did moving our site from Linode to Pantheon affect the performance–measured in response time–of our site for both members and non-members?

Release Day: Object-Oriented PHP Part 4

In part 4 of this series on object-oriented PHP from KnpUniversity, we'll explore static methods, namespaces, exceptions, and traits. Getting a handle on these concepts will not only help you with PHP app development, but will also help you understand what's going on under the hood of Drupal 8.

Another Version of Drupal 8

It's that time again. October 5th brings the second minor version of Drupal 8 since moving to a semantic versioning release schedule. We've taken the time to dig through the change records and release notes (in order to make sure our tutorials stay up to date) and we want to share some of the new features and functionality you can look forward to when you upgrade to version 8.2.

Our 2016 Drupal 8 Tutorial Roadmap

More and more people are getting excited about working with Drupal 8. We’ve been working full-speed to put together the most accurate Drupal 8 tutorials, as well as keeping them up to date, as Drupal 8 changes every 6 months. I wanted to give an update on where we are with our Drupal 8 material and give you a look at what to expect over the coming 3 months from our team.

Drupalize.Me Now Powered by Pantheon

If you're following along at home, you may have seen that we recently made the move to Pantheon hosting. Last week during our maintenance window, Joe and I worked through our migration checklist, and officially moved the site over to our new host. The process had a few hiccups, but we thought it would be interesting to take a look at what went into our migration process. Hopefully sharing what went into our planning process, as well as what is in our pipeline for improvements now that we're on Pantheon, will help you if you ever find yourself facing a similar project.

Learn by Mentoring at DrupalCon

DrupalCon is a great opportunity to learn all kinds of new skills and grow professionally. For the 3 days of the main conference in Dublin (September 27–29) there will be sessions on just about everything related to Drupal that you could want. One amazing opportunity that you may not be aware of though is the Mentored Sprint on Friday, September 30th. This is a great place for new folks to learn the ropes of our community and how to contribute back. What may be less talked about is the chance to be a mentor.

We're Moving to Pantheon

We’re happy to announce that we are moving the Drupalize.Me site to Pantheon hosting. We’ve partnered with Pantheon in the past to bring you a full series on using this great service. We’re glad to deepen our partnership and take advantage of Pantheon’s great tools to support ourselves. Moving a site to new infrastructure is always a big task, so we’re going to share our process with you as we make the move.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more