
Now Hiring Drupal Trainers

Drupalize.Me is looking for Drupal trainers. We have a lot of new content on deck and we're looking for the right person to become part of the great team we have here. We obviously focus on video content, but we also love to do in-person training for private, on-site workshops, and public events, like DrupalCon, camps, and tech conferences around the world. We are already starting to build out a whole bunch of new curricula for Drupal 8 and other Drupal-related technologies.

Release Day: Finishing the Jumpstart Project

This week we will finish up the Mom and Pop, Inc. website we're building for the Drupal Jumpstart series, from the O'Reilly book Using Drupal, Second Edition. Throughout this series we've been learning the basic building blocks of Drupal through creating content, working with modules, configuring access permissions, and creating users. To wrap things up today, we'll be discussing content moderation methods, and changing the look of your site with themes.

Drupal 8: Writing a Hello World Module

It's been a while since I've sat down and tried to write a module from scratch in Drupal 8. I've dabbled here and there in the various already existing modules but there's always something interesting about just trying to write that simple "Hello World" module. Sure, starting from scratch isn't really something we do all that often, but it's nice to to know how it works.

Release Day: Drupal Basics with the Jumpstart Series

This week we get to dig into the first case study from the O'Reilly Media book, Using Drupal, 2nd Edition, with the the Drupal Jumpstart series. This series will walk through Drupal basics by building a simple site for Mom and Pop, Inc. You can watch the overview of our case study for free. We will cover things like the administrative interface, and working with content, comments, menus, and blocks this week.

We're Hiring a Designer

We're looking for a web designer to join the Drupalize.Me team. This role is a perfect fit for a great web designer who also has some savvy and interest in product design and marketing. This person will help to create and refine a great user experience for Drupalize.Me members, and will also help create great marketing and promotional materials to tell Drupalize.Me's story to new audiences.

Drupal 8: New Multilingual Features

Last week I was in Dublin for Drupal Dev Days. While my main activity was conducting a Community Tools workshop on the Friday of the camp, I was there the whole week, while an intrepid team of people have been meeting up at the venue in the final sprint to the Drupal code freeze, which was on Monday, July 1st! (Holy cow!) One of the groups who has been plowing ahead at full steam is the Multilingual team. I even got to help out with some wording in one of the issues someone was working on.

Using Drupal Book in Video Lessons

Many moons ago, back in 2008, several Lullabots wrote the first edition of Using Drupal, published by O'Reilly Media. In 2012, myself and Angie Byron, with the help of Bruno DeBondt, updated Using Drupal with a second edition for Drupal 7. This year we're happy to announce the video version of Using Drupal.

Oscon Can Be Worth the Investment

In a few short weeks I'll be headed on the road once again for two great events: Twin Cities DrupalCamp and OSCON. On the surface these two events couldn't be more different. One is intimate, inexpensive, and full of Drupal. The other is big, an investment, and has hardly any Drupal. Seems like an obvious win for Twin Cities DrupalCamp, right? Well, let's dive a little deeper into what makes OSCON worth the price tag.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more