
Release Day: Getting Started with Media Management

Last week we started off two new series on Media module, each covering a different major version. This week we are plowing ahead with the Using Drupal Chapter 4: Media Management series, which covers Media version 2.x. These lessons will give you an overview of the Media Module and the various things it will do for us. After that, we're going to dive right in to building our music review site by building out the review content type, and playing around with our field display to make sure things are looking the way we intend.

Podcast Episode #29: Translation Management

We're happy to give you Episode 29 of the Drupalize.Me podcast, with Christophe Galli and Miro Dietiker, to talk about Translation Management. This is a great project, available as a module on, that works with various multilingual modules to help you keep your site translation organized. There are a lot of moving pieces in a multilingual site, and these guys have been up to their elbows with it for a long time.

Release Day: Two New Series on Media Module

This week we are starting off two new series at the same time to cover a very important topic for web sites today: Media Management. Almost every site out there needs to work with media in some way, whether it is just uploading images in your blog posts, or having to work with audio and videos in a variety of ways. In Drupal 7 the Media module has become the go-to solution for handling the full range of media needs.

Drupal 8: WYSIWYG and In-Line Editing

Drupal 8 has come a long way since Drupal 7 to being easier to use out of the box. When I built sites for people using Drupal 7 the biggest complaint was the lack of a WYSIWYG editor. At some point installing WYSIWYG module and adding an editor role just became part of my usual installation of modules. This process wasn't complicated, but it was rather annoying.

First you had to install the module, then download the third party WYSIWYG files from another website. Once you had all the components you needed, you then had to setup text formats to use the editing interface, and also configure the role for your content managers to assign correct permissions. My favorite part of the process was the web page of check boxes of buttons you could add to the toolbar. The page was hideous and not very configurable if you'd added any extra add-ons to your WYSIWYG.

Sometimes Technology Isn't Always Our Friend

It is that time of the week when we publish a new Drupalize.Me podcast. You're excited. We're excited. Unfortunately we don’t have one for you today. We recorded a great podcast on getting involved with Drupal 8 with Joe Shindelar, Juampy, Alex Bronstein, and Larry Garfield. It was a fun podcast talking about all the new things that excite us about Drupal 8. Somehow the final recorded audio file turned bad about 10 minutes into it. Normally we have a fall-back plan which involves two people recording the podcast.

Release Day: Migrating References and Multi-Value Fields

Very few migrations are simple and straight-forward enough that a simple field mapping gets all of the little bits you need. In this week's Importing Data With Migrate and Drupal 7 lessons, we take a look at some complicated field mappings. We are going to add some new data we need to import, with team information. The team data is related to our player data through a relationship, and a player can have multiple teams they've played for.

Welcome Justin to Our Team!

We are super excited to introduce you to our new Interactive Designer, Justin Harrell. Justin started with us right before DrupalCon Prague, and so came over to Europe with the rest of the team for an intense introduction to the Drupal world.

Release Day: Migration Field Mapping

In this week's lessons for the Importing Data With Migrate and Drupal 7 series we get a good look at our field mappings. This is the time that we make sure our source data is being properly handled and getting to the right destination fields in our Drupal site's database. We walk through basic field mapping, and see how that looks and works in the site UI, as well as with Drush. Then we explore different ways we can transform source data during the migration process, so that it matches what our destination field is expecting.

Getting up to Speed on Drupal 8 Webinar

When is Drupal 8 coming out? What's going to change in the new version? How do I keep track of it, and most importantly, how am I going to learn what I need to know? These are the questions we're going to answer in a Drupal Association webinar on October 22. Joe Shindelar is going to give an update on where things are with Drupal 8, covering a raft of new features and changes that you'll want to know about. He's going to look at it from different perspectives — as a site-builder, themer, and module developer.

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Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more