An American Drupaler in London
Blog postI recently had the pleasure of traveling to London to attend DrupalCamp London. There, Joe Shindelar and I taught a one-day Introduction to Drupal workshop. The class was great and the attendees actively participated, as they were very interested in what Drupal has to offer.
Release Day: More Module Monday Lessons
Blog postLast week we introduced a new group of videos, based on the Lullabot Module Monday articles. This week, we present three more for your enjoyment. In this batch of module goodies we look at making things easier for site editors, setting up a theme style guide right inside the site, how to perform a password reset for all of the users on your site (though we hope you never have to!).
New Series: Introduction to Git
Blog postThis week we're kicking off a new series, Introduction to Git, that will teach you to use the Git distributed version control system (DVCS) for source code management (SCM). Git is the version control system used for Drupal core and contributed module development, as well as projects like the Linux kernel, Ruby on Rails, Android, and many, many others. This is an in-depth series that starts with the basics of version control, establishes some terminology, and a base line workflow, then continues to build on that by going beyond the basics of the various Git commands to make the most out of your tools.
Once again, our team will be at DrupalCon, this time in lovely Portland, and providing workshops on the day before the conference officially kicks off (Monday, May 20th). We're happy to say that we will be involved with two different workshops: Plan, Build, Launch: Real-World Drupal and the Performance and Scalability Dream Team.
Release Day: A Git Crash Course
Blog postThis week we continue with out Introduction to Git series by diving in and getting a crash course on using Git. We're going to start off by creating our first repository, adding a file to it, making changes, and then seeing how to get Git tracking our work. The other videos this week will dive deeper into looking at your Git history, moving around with that history, and reviewing the changes you've made over time.
Release Day: Entity Admin UI and Fields
Blog postThis week's installment of the Working with Entities in Drupal 7 series picks up the work on our new custom entity to work on creating an administrative UI, then dive into more nitty gritty with the entity controller. We'll look at how you can override the default controller to gain more control over how your entity gets rendered, and to add some of our own tweaks to the save processing. We wrap this week up by making our entity fieldable by using bundles.
We've been cranking away on podcasts every other Friday, and in this episode, Funding Drupal Core Development, we've got Greg Dunlap (heyrocker) on to talk about his experience as a core initiative lead for Drupal 8 with regards to making ends meet while working so much on core.
This week in the Working with Entities in Drupal 7 series we work on ways to expand how the content is output by working with Drupal view modes (like full, teaser, RSS, etc.), and integrating our entity with the Views module. With these pieces in place, we turn back to our administrative interface, to clean that up a bit by overriding the default UI Controller to customize our UI.
php[tek] Conference Is Next Week
Blog postWith the addition of Symfony to Drupal core, many Drupal developers are beginning to explore beyond the confines of our own amazing CMS. But where do you start? Conferences can be a great opportunity to step outside of your day-to-day time crunch and learn about new technologies. php[tek] is one of those great opportunities for module developers in the mid-west United States. This conference, now in its 13th year, has over 50 sessions spread over four days, May 14-17, in Chicago, Illinois.
In a few short days we're heading to Portland, Oregon for the annual North American DrupalCon. We're really looking forward to seeing everyone there. We hope you'll stop by our booth (#408) and say "hello!". It will be a great opportunity for us to meet you, and for you to meet some of the personalities behind your favorite videos and blog posts. We're also gearing up for a great sale on annual accounts during the 'con, which you can take advantage of whether you are in Portland or online.
Release Day: Migrate Module Orientation
Blog postThis week, we are continuing our Importing Data With Migrate and Drupal 7 series, by getting oriented with the Migrate module. We take a look at two different ways of working with our migrations, through the UI and by using drush. Then we open up the Migrate example module to get an overview about what files are needed, and the main pieces of code used, to create a migration. This sets us up with a foundation to begin writing our own custom migration next week.
Introduction to Drupal
GuideRelease Day: Writing a Custom Migration
Blog postThis week we're finally ready to dive in and write our first custom migration with the Migrate module. To get things set up, we need to get our source data, and create the content type in our Drupal site so that we have a destination. Joe walks through grabbing some baseball stats in SQL format for the source, and then building out the content types we'll need for teams and players.
Getting up to Speed on Drupal 8 Webinar
Blog postWhen is Drupal 8 coming out? What's going to change in the new version? How do I keep track of it, and most importantly, how am I going to learn what I need to know? These are the questions we're going to answer in a Drupal Association webinar on October 22. Joe Shindelar is going to give an update on where things are with Drupal 8, covering a raft of new features and changes that you'll want to know about. He's going to look at it from different perspectives — as a site-builder, themer, and module developer.
Welcome to Our New Drupal 9 Site
Blog postWelcome to our new Drupal 9 website! We’ve been working hard on this and it’s all paid off today. You’ll see we didn’t redesign the site, so most of the site will look and behave the way it always has. We did make a lot of changes in the backend, and cleaned a bunch of things up.
New Drupal Learning Community
Blog postLast week we launched the Drupalize.Me Community beta and we’d like you to join us. The community is open to everyone, not just Drupalize.Me members.
My esteemed colleague Joe Shindelar has written 2 new tutorials for our existing Migrate to Drupal 9 or 10 course on the migration_lookup
process plugin and Migrate API's map tables.
The entire Drupalize.Me team went to Prague, along with a number of other Lullabots, for DrupalCon Prague. In our latest podcast episode a few of us share what it was like, and the excitement and energy of new things on the horizon.
We’re getting ready to run another iteration of our popular Hands-On Drupal Theming workshop on July 19th, 20th, and 21st, something we haven’t done for over a year as we’ve been focused on teaching Drupal 7 to Drupal 9/10 migrations. In the process of getting ready, I’ve been going through my slides for the workshop and making some updates. Here are the things that jump out to me as important (but work-in-progress) changes in the last year.