Release Day: Creating Image Galleries
Blog postThis week we turn our attention back to the Working with Media Module in Drupal 7 series. We have a basic site in place, and now we need to add some features to make it rich with media. These three videos walk through the steps to create good-looking image galleries. They also show how we can work with third-party JavaScript libraries to enhance features on our site. Finally we add a listing page and front page block so users can find our new galleries.
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 36
Blog postIn our latest podcast episode we have two guests, Klaus Purer (klausi) and Lin Clark (linclark) joining Addi and Joe Fender to talk about the new REST module that has been added to Drupal 8 core.
Sorry About That (a.k.a. Whoopsie Daisy)
Blog postSome of you may have noticed that, for several hours on Friday evening, the site was unavailable. We're very sorry! We've been working hard lately, building some nifty new features. To let you in on a little secret, we've been working on a fancy new subscription system that will allow subscribers to choose 6 month or 1 year subscriptions instead of just monthly. W00t! Many of you have requested this. We were working on this new feature when we made an error (insert sad trombone sound) that required us to temporarily take the site down.
Every week we update the content on Drupalize.Me. Many times the updates are in response to a member who used the "Was This Helpful?" form at the bottom of every tutorial. It might be fixing a typo; updating a code example; or adding/removing/clarifying a sentence, section, or entire tutorial. We've published major updates to tutorials in our Automated Testing course and our Acquia Certification Study Guides, along with many other updates throughout the site for Drupal 9. Read on to learn about the updates we've made to tutorials, topics, guides, and more at Drupalize.Me.
Amber writes about her involvement with the Bug Smash Initiative and how she's found it to be a fun and rewarding way to contribute to Drupal core.
I recently ran into an issue while working on a Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 migration where the migration_lookup process plugin would sometimes return an array, and sometimes return a string. This inconsistent output caused issues when the plugin is configured with multiple source migrations. To figure out a solution I had to take a deep dive into the logic of the migration_lookup plugin -- and this is what I learned.
There are 2 big changes in Drupal 10 that have a huge impact on documentation: the new default public-facing theme, Olivero, and the new administrator-facing theme, Claro. In this post, I’ll explain how we've automated creation of screenshots for the Drupal User Guide to help deal with these changes, and what our plans are to ship a new Drupal 10 version of the Drupal User Guide.
The Command Line Basics Series
Blog postIn the last few weeks you may have noticed we've been releasing a series of free videos about using the command line: Command Line Basics. There are a total of 12 videos in the series, each only between 6 to 15 minutes long, and we'll be continuing to release them over the coming weeks until we get them all out there. The entire series will be free.
Video Series on Image Styles
Blog postWhen I’m learning any software, the first thing I want to do is play with all the features and make my creation pretty, using all the bells and whistles. I remember the first time I played with PowerPoint…I had swirling text and zig-zagging images everywhere.
Heads up! We’re rolling out a new organization structure of our tutorials, courses, and guides, so that we can implement our new guide navigation. You may find the course navigation change at any time within the next couple of weeks. Use the “Was This Helpful?” form at the bottom of any tutorial to reach out if you need help or have a question.
TL; DR: Use this prompt and the text from a Drupalize.Me tutorial to experiment with using generative AI as a tutor for learning Drupal.
A while ago, I wrote an article and gave a presentation about why learning Drupal is so hard. One of the key challenges I identified is the “pit of despair”. It's that point in the learning journey where you can no longer rely on the hand holding of step-by-step tutorials. You need to step out into the chasm and come up with your own unique solutions to your specific problems. That point where you know just enough to realize the breadth of what you don’t yet know. And I had said, based on input from many peers, that the quickest way through the dip is real-world experience and drawing on the expertise of others. The advice could be summed up as: if you want to learn fast, get a tutor.
It can be hard to find a mentor. As much as we would love to be able to do so, our small team at Drupalize.Me can't scale personalized individual tutoring. So I've been thinking about how you might be able to use AI to help get at least some of the benefits of tutoring.
We have been working for a long time on a new Drupal Module Developer Guide. We'll be sharing more about our process and approach, but today we want to simply announce, it's here! The Drupal Module Developer Guide is an introduction to Drupal module development that uses a project-based approach to learning and helps people with some knowledge of PHP transition from Drupal Site Builder to Drupal Developer. The guide gives learners tangible wins, early and often, motivating students to keep learning.
This Wednesday, May 8, I'm speaking at DrupalCon Portland 2024 as part of the Drupal Project Initiatives Keynote. The keynote is kicking off Contribution Day on Wednesday first thing in the morning. I'll be highlighting initiatives and programs that are helping people contribute in a strategic way, and as a result, increasing throughput in the core issue queue. Throughput is the rate that a project’s issues are resolved and committed. And it’s one way to gauge the health of an open source project like Drupal.
Check out these resources to learn more about the initiative and programs I highlight in this presentation.
TopicJavaScript (JS) is an interpreted programming language that is widely used on the web to control web page behavior and interactivity.
Drupal Console
TopicDrupal Console provided a command line utility for performing common site administration tasks, code generation scaffolding, and a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop for interacting with your Drupal site.
It is no longer actively maintained. Use Drush instead.
We’ve completed a major overhaul in how our tutorials are organized on Drupalize.Me. Take a look at the new Guides page and find something to new to learn about Drupal.
Drupal 11 was released recently. Yay. And with it comes a bunch of minor (and sometimes major) changes to the way Drupal works and the need to update the documentation to reflect those changes.
After watching the Driesnote earlier this week, I wanted to try and play around with the AI tools that were demonstrated. Here's my notes so far. And instructions on how you can set it all up to experiment with the new AI tools in Drupal.
Object-Oriented PHP
TopicObject-oriented PHP utilizes classes and objects to organize code into reusable chunks. This approach helps us organize complex applications, such as Drupal, into modular code called classes that can be reused across the entire system.
How to Become a Drupal Developer
Blog postLearning Drupal can feel daunting. Its ecosystem is like a rich forest with all kinds of fruit and wildlife, but for those who aren’t experienced in exploring it, the foliage can look thick, dark, and foreboding. The sounds drifting from the trees seem mysterious and enchanting. But also a little dangerous. You know there are paths through the woods, but some aren’t well-marked, and some lead to dead ends. Some take you the long way around and then loop back on themselves. If you want to become a Drupal developer, what path should you take to explore the vast Drupal ecosystem?