Module Development

Introduction to Automated Testing with SimpleTest for Drupal 7

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We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

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Testing, and quality assurance, are an important part of maintaining high-quality software. Together they ensure that the code we write functions as it is intended to, and that changes made later on do not introduce any regressions into our application. Its tedious work and generally involves coming up with a list of tasks that prove a specific feature is working, and then repeating the list of tasks every time a change is made.

Automated testing is the process of writing code to reduce the number of things we need to do manually when testing our software. That list you created to ensure your software is working correctly is likely something that can be easily automated with a testing framework like SimpleTest. Doing so can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to perform QA, and improve the overall stability of our applications.

The SimpleTest testing framework was introduced into Drupal core early on in the Drupal 7 development cycle. Since then it has had a profound impact on the way our community develops Drupal. Core now contains a whole suite of tests that cover somewhere in the neighborhood of 75% of the softwares functionality. Every time a new features is introduced, or a bug is fixed, this battery of tests confirms that the fix to the date formatting function didn't inadvertently break something else.

In this series we'll learn to write our own automated tests for Drupal 7 using SimpleTests. We'll walk through enabling SimpleTest, and running one or more test cases with both the SimpleTest UI, and with drush. Then we'll cover some of the related terminology like the difference between functional tests and unit tests. As well as discuss why testing is an important part of development and worth the investment.

Then we'll walk through writing a test case and a set of assertions in orders to verify that various features of our site are working. We'll use functional tests based on the DrupalWebTestCase class, which simulates a browser navigating our site and clicking on links, and filling out forms. And the DrupalUnitTestCase class, which allows us to write super fast unit tests for the business logic contained within our code.

After watching this series you should be able to:

  • Install the SimpleTest module and run the tests included with core.
  • Define and know the difference between functional tests, unit tests, test cases, and assertions.
  • Create a new test case so that SimpleTest can discover and run your tests.
  • Write assertions that test the validity of your application in a given state.
  • Use the test browser to click on links and navigate to pages on a site.
  • Fill out and submit forms and AJAX form elements using the test case browser.
  • Handle file and image uploads in test cases.
  • Write unit tests, and understand how the workflow for running unit tests differs from that of functional tests.
  • Use the SimpleTest 7.x-2.x module from contrib to test existing websites.

This series assumes that you have basic understanding of Object Oriented PHP, and are familiar with Drupal module development. If you need to brush up on your module development watch our series on Drupal 7 Module Development. And, while not required to run tests, we do make use of drush in this series so knowing how to run drush commands is helpful.

Writing tests can be a challenging. But it doesn't have to be. And the benefits of doing so are huge. Especially as our web applications become more complex, as our teams grow, and as the multitude of ways in which people interact with our web applications changes constantly. Spending some time learning how to write tests will not only make your applications more reliable, it'll also make you a better developer.

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Legacy Module Development