Backend and Infrastructure

Use Preparerow to Perform Extra Operations for Drupal 7

This page is archived

We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

Sprout Video

In this lesson we're going to finish mapping the fields for the player migration and learn about how to deal with source data that requires some additional massaging before being saved to the destination. We'll learn about the use of field mapping callback functions and the migration's prepareRow method as possible spots to perform additional logic during a migration. Then we'll use these techniques to combine our player first and last name fields together for the node title field, deal with our birth and death date fields by concatenating the three source columns together into a single date string, and finally add some additional information to the notes field during import that will allow us to track imported records in the future.


Note: This lesson was recorded using the 7.x-2.6 version of the date module, however the 7.x-2.7 version is now out which contains some changes to the module's integration with the migrate module. The biggest change being that the date_migrate module is no longer required and has been deprecated. You can read more about the changes here:

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