Module Development

Our Custom Drupal Entity Use Case for Drupal 7

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We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

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Sprout Video

In the next set of lessons we're going to be writing to the code to create our own custom entity type. The goal is to create a video entity that stores embed codes for YouTube videos and allows us to display the videos on our site. In this scenario we don't want all the overhead that comes with using the node system, like comments for example, so instead we're going to write our own custom entity for storing the data. We're going to take a look at the completed entity type that we're attempting to build and just walk through all the various components. We'll take a look at creating/updating, and deleting a video via the UI, and also the views integration and fieldability of our custom video entities.

Legacy Module Development