Module Development

What Are Tokens? for Drupal 7

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There just a couple of components that make up the token system in Drupal 7, which is nice because it means fewer new things we have to learn. But, it's important to understand what those components are and some of the fundamentals of how tokens work in order to make the most of Drupal's Token API. In this lesson we'll take a look the use case for tokens, talk about token types, and the concept of global tokens vs. those that require some additional context in order to have their dynamic values calculated.

What are tokens?

Tokens are specially formatted chunks of text that serve as placeholders for a dynamically generated value. Here's a really simple example: You want to display a welcome message to user's of your site, and you want it to be personalized so how about you add their name and instead of just saying "Welcome", you can say "Welcome, Joe". In order to avoid having to hard-code a welcome string for every single user of the site it would be nice to dynamically generate the string. So you use a one like the following, "Welcome, [current-user:name]".

The [current-user:name] here is what Drupal refers to as a token. A string of static text that will be located and replaced with a dynamic value. This token is made up of a few parts, inside of the mandatory square brackets that signify that this is a token. The first part current-user: in this case is the token type.

Token types are used to group like things together into a namespace. User's for example have name, mail, and last-login properties. Nodes have title, nid, and author properties. Token type also plays an important role in determining what tokens are available in what context. User tokens for example might be available when sending an email to a specific user but node type tokens might be irrelevant in this use case. We need to be able to tell end user's what types of tokens can be used in what context so that they don't use a node token (which has no value) in a user context.

The second part, after the colon (:) is the token itself. This signifies what value will be substituted into the string containing the token. :name in this case indicates we want the current user's username. This also brings up another important point. Global vs. contextual tokens. Some tokens like this one [system:date] can be calculated without any additional information. Simply call the PHP date function and you've got a value. This token [current-user:name], on the other hand, requires knowledge about the currently logged-in user in order to be able to determine that user's name. This token requires additional context in order to be useful.

Additional resources

Handbook documentation for tokens (

Legacy Module Development