
Changes in How We Approach Theming in Drupal

We’re getting ready to run another iteration of our popular Hands-On Drupal Theming workshop on July 19th, 20th, and 21st, something we haven’t done for over a year as we’ve been focused on teaching Drupal 7 to Drupal 9/10 migrations. In the process of getting ready, I’ve been going through my slides for the workshop and making some updates. Here are the things that jump out to me as important (but work-in-progress) changes in the last year.

New Drupal Learning Community

Last week we launched the Drupalize.Me Community beta and we’d like you to join us. The community is open to everyone, not just Drupalize.Me members. We created this learning community to provide support for all kinds of folks working with and learning Drupal. More than just content and resources, this is a safe and supportive place to ask, share, and learn. You can take your Drupal practice to the next level by connecting with other Drupalers with a wide range of experience and knowledge. You’ll be able to:

Welcome to Our New Drupal 9 Site

Welcome to our new Drupal 9 website! We’ve been working hard on this and it’s all paid off today. You’ll see we didn’t redesign the site, so most of the site will look and behave the way it always has. We did make a lot of changes in the backend, and cleaned a bunch of things up. We’ll have another blog post coming out soon that dives more into the technical changes from a developer perspective. Right now, we want to point out the main changes that you’ll see on the site from today.

Updating the Drupal User Guide for Drupal 10

There are 2 big changes in Drupal 10 that have a huge impact on documentation: the new default public-facing theme, Olivero, and the new administrator-facing theme, Claro. In this post, I’ll explain how we've automated creation of screenshots for the Drupal User Guide to help deal with these changes, and what our plans are to ship a new Drupal 10 version of the Drupal User Guide.

Debugging inconsistent return values from the Drupal migration_lookup plugin

I recently ran into an issue while working on a Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 migration where the migration_lookup process plugin would sometimes return an array, and sometimes return a string. This inconsistent output caused issues when the plugin is configured with multiple source migrations. To figure out a solution I had to take a deep dive into the logic of the migration_lookup plugin -- and this is what I learned.

So. Many. Updates. What's New in 2022 at Drupalize.Me?

Every week we update the content on Drupalize.Me. Many times the updates are in response to a member who used the "Was This Helpful?" form at the bottom of every tutorial. It might be fixing a typo; updating a code example; or adding/removing/clarifying a sentence, section, or entire tutorial. We've published major updates to tutorials in our Automated Testing course and our Acquia Certification Study Guides, along with many other updates throughout the site for Drupal 9. Read on to learn about the updates we've made to tutorials, topics, guides, and more at Drupalize.Me.

Speed up Your Drupal Migrations with Highwater Marks

Joe digs into why a drush migrate:import command was so slow when running migrations for Drupalize.Me. And in the process, explains how to configure highwater marks to ensure that rows don't slip through the cracks.

Release Day: Time to learn Drush!

Drush (the Drupal Shell) is a command line interface for Drupal. It provides all sorts of commands for assisting in Drupal development, automating workflows and in general making it easier to script various parts of the Drupal workflow. Learning to use Drush and the commands that come with Drush core will help both site administrators and developers speed up their day-to-day Drupal work. It really is a handy tool for everyone, not just developers. We've just published a whole new series of tutorials on Drush, representing a huge effort to bring our Drush content up-to-date.

Setting up Drupal to Learn and Practice

Osio Labs intern Chinelo Obigwe shares her insights on getting Drupal installed for the first time on her Windows machine in this new blog post on Drupalize.Me. Read on to learn about several local web development environment tools she recommends to anyone starting out with learning Drupal and who wants to get Drupal up-and-running on their own machine.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more