
DrupalCon Global Day 1

DrupalCon Global kicked off of this week and the Drupalize.Me team was there to participate. We're sharing our notes and thoughts about the conference each day, and here is our first summary, for Day 1.

Release Day: Learn Drupal's Layout Builder

Layout Builder, and the related ecosystem of modules, provides a set of powerful tools that allow content creators and site administrators to modify the layout of a page using a drag-and-drop interface. We've published 11 new tutorials on how to use Drupal's Layout Builder to create flexible layouts for your Drupal site.

Free Hands-On Theming Course May 18-22

DrupalCon Minneapolis, and the theming workshop we were planning to present, isn't going to happen this year, but instead we're going to make our Hands-On Theming course free all of next week, May 18–22, the original week of DrupalCon. This online course is based on our in-person workshops and covers the same material. If you enjoy the course, and have the means, we also ask that you donate to the Drupal Association to support their critical work and future DrupalCons.

Videos Added to Step-by-Step Content Moderation Tutorials

We've added 4 video walk-through screencasts to our step-by-step "task" tutorials in our Content Moderation tutorial series. Does your organization have a publication workflow? Did you know you can set up a publication workflow that follows your online publication process? Explore this series of Content Moderation and Workflows to learn more.

Start a Drupal 9 Readiness To-Do List using Upgrade Status

Upgrade status generates a report that serves as a sort of checklist to help you determine whether or not your site is ready to be upgraded to Drupal 9. It packs a lot of useful information into a single report. It's worth taking the time to install it on a copy of your Drupal 8 site and seeing what it has to say.

Jump-Start Your Drupal 9 Code Updates with Drupal Check and Drupal Rector

Drupal check, and Drupal rector, are two useful command line tools you can use to help jump start the process of updating your Drupal 8 code to ensure it's compatible with Drupal 9. This post includes some notes about the process I went through while testing them out on some of the Drupalize.Me code base.

Entities, Bundles, and Fields, Oh My! (Lesson 4 from DrupalEasy)

Through my time in the "Drupal Careers Online" course through DrupalEasy, my eyes have been opened to the wonderful world of entities, bundles, and fields. This has been such a game changer! Drupal’s Entity API is one of the key elements that sets it apart from other CMS systems. Defining a site is so much easier once you understand the "building blocks" (i.e., entities, bundles, and fields), specifically "ContentEntityBase" and entities that extend it.

Lesson 3 from DrupalEasy: Know Where You Are

Hello again, friends! I hope that your Drupal learning journey is going well so far. I’m now almost midway through DrupalEasy’s Drupal Career Online program and everything’s been going great -- except for one recent setback. Although this setback was extremely annoying, I obtained a few takeaways in the process. I’ll share what I've learned with you in the hope that you won’t make the same mistake I did.

Q1 Tutorial Updates for Drupal 8.8.x

We’ve made a number of updates to both tutorials and topic pages this past quarter. The updates we made related to Drupal’s 8.8.x minor release update (which introduced some big changes) and to our content archiving project, which we wrote about previously.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more