
Symfony 4 and Drupal

In November 2017, Symfony released its latest major version: Symfony 4! That's great! Right? But what does this mean for Drupal? And more importantly, what does it mean for your Drupal projects?

Applying Lessons from the User Guide to Drupal Documentation

There's been an ongoing discussion about the state of documentation on Sparked by this blog post by Matthew Grasmick which examines Drupal's failure to provide easy-to-follow installation documentation. To which Dries responded suggesting that we consider how we might evolve Drupal's documentation leadership and governance. I thought it would be worthwhile to share some of the lessons learned helping with the Drupal 8 User Guide in order to move the conversation forward.

Learn All About Using React with Drupal

The interest in creating decoupled/headless/API-first Drupal sites has been growing for a while. As the interest grows, and more sites are implementing this architecture, there is a growing list of articles and discussions about it. Drupal is a great backend for these kinds of sites, and React is the most popular JavaScript framework being used for frontends. While Drupal and React are both well-established technologies with a wealth of documentation, the interaction between the two, and best practices around that interaction, are still developing. We've pulled together the best resources we can find on a new site, React for Drupal.

Release Day: Drupal 8 Form API

Forms are one of the primary means through which users interact with a web application. The Form API is how Drupal module developers create, update, and modify forms. Learn how to leverage the Form API in a custom module with this new batch of tutorials from Drupalize.Me.

Adding Free Videos to the Drupal 8 User Guide

We've just released a new free guide on our site, Drupal 8 User Guide in order to help our members—and anyone—with minimal existing knowledge of Drupal get started building something quickly. It's a re-publication of the one already available on, with the addition of embedded videos.

I want to share a little bit about why we choose to republish existing content instead of creating new materials, why we've opted to add video to the user guide, and why we're giving it all away for free.

Videos Added to Web Services in Drupal 8 Tutorials

Since the release of Drupal 8, we've prioritized two main things: 1) getting Drupal 8 tutorials out to you as soon as we can, and 2) keeping our published Drupal 8 tutorials up-to-date. We've also introduced written tutorials. Written tutorials enable us to get tutorials out to you more quickly and are much much easier to keep up-to-date. But, we are still committed to producing video tutorials, when they make the most sense. What this means is that most of the time we'll release written tutorials as soon as they are ready and then add a video to it later.

So, without further ado, here's a bunch of new videos we've recently added to tutorials in our Web Services in Drupal 8 series!

Release Day: Testing in Drupal 8

For a lot of developers, myself included, testing your Drupal code can be a bit of an afterthought. Today we're happy to announce the release of a series of tutorials that might change how you feel about that.

Our guide to Testing in Drupal 8 was largely written by Paul Mitchum. Paul (Mile23 on has done work on Drupal's continuous integration project, is an active core contributor, and is one of the maintainers of the Examples project among his other roles.

This set of tutorials starts with helping explain why testing is a good idea in the first place and then takes a look at the different types of tests that ship with Drupal core and the various frameworks that makes those tests possible. After that bit of groundwork orientation is done we'll learn how test files are organized in the Drupal codebase and how we can run existing tests using a few different methods. Once we know how to execute our test suite, we'll dig into implementation examples for functional and unit tests.

Release Day: Drupal Development with Docker

In this series we introduce Docker, a container runtime that allows you to run pre-packed, sandboxed Linux applications anywhere. We'll start by running a single container on the command line, build up to running Drupal in Docker, cover how to build your own containers, and how to add Docker to your Drupal development workflow.

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Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more