Updates for Drupal 8.3
Blog postEarlier this month another regularly scheduled version of Drupal core was released. The current stable version of core is now 8.3.2. In this blog post we're going to take a look at some of the new features that have been added to this feature release and some of the tutorial updates we've made to make sure we're staying on top of the ever moving drop.
Field API Tutorials Added
Blog postRecently we bolstered our Drupal 8 Module Development Guide with a few new tutorials. In particular I'd like to highlight 5 of them today that all have to do with Drupal's Field API from a developer perspective.
Google Summer of Code 2017 Begins
Blog postToday marks the start of another Google Summer of Code, which is the 12th year that Drupal has been selected to work with a terrific group of bright and eager students. In this great program, Google pays students to work on various open source projects for 10 weeks. Our 8 students are working on some pretty cool projects with 15 community mentors. They have spent the last few weeks getting oriented in our community, and the actual coding work begins today. The deadline for their projects is August 29th. Drupalize.Me is proud to support these students by providing them with free memberships for the duration of the projects so they can dive right into Drupal 8.
We've added the last 13 tutorials for our free Hands-on Exercises: Movie Project, which covers building an entire Drupal 7 site, including site building, theming, and module development. The project is covered in 36 exercises, with the first 16 exercises focused on site building and theming. The remainder of the series has exercises that require module development, along with some performance testing.
Drupalize.Me will be offering our Drupal 8 Theming workshop at Twin Cities DrupalCamp on June 22nd, as well as delivering sessions and attending the sprints. We would love to see you there.
Drupal Events in June
Blog postIf you’re looking for a great experience learning Drupal this month, there are many varied opportunities at Drupal camps. It takes a lot of volunteer hours to run them, and we’re grateful to everyone who contributes. We’ve partnered with a few camps this month as sponsors, and have contributed some coupons and memberships. We’re proud to be involved with these June events.
Amber Matz and I had the awesome opportunity to be part of the programming team for DrupalCon Baltimore. Both of us served as local track chairs. Amber worked on the Horizons track, and I worked on the Being Human track. We thought it would be fun to share some of our experience as track chairs helping with session selection.
New Tutorials and Tutorial Updates
Blog postWe've been so busy adding and updating our content that we haven't had a chance to write about what we've done lately -- until now! Here's what we've been working on these past few months.
Drupal Events in July
Blog postWe've partnered up with several July events as sponsors and to give away free Drupalize.Me memberships. Here is a list of upcoming events that we're excited to be involved with.
Drupal Events in August
Blog postCheck out the events that we're sponsoring in August, where you can win a free Drupalize.Me membership.
New Tutorial Up-to-date Indicators
Blog postOne of the most frustrating things about technical documentation and tutorials is when you find what you need, only to learn that it is out of date after spending a lot of time with it. We are dedicated to keeping all of Drupal 8 content up to date with the latest version of core, but until last week we didn’t have an easy way for you to double-check that yourself. We’ve now added some relevant indicators to our tutorials.
New Free Series: Coding Standards
Blog postToday, we’re happy to announce a new free series about Drupal Coding Standards that has been made possible by our friends at Chromatic. The Drupal community has defined a set of coding standards and best practices that you should adhere to whenever you're writing code for Drupal.
Last week DrupalEasy announced our new partnership with them and we couldn’t be happier. We have known Gwendolyn and Mike Anello for many years through the Drupal community. DrupalEasy has long lived the spirit of open source and giving back, along with a great friendly work ethic, and we’re excited to build a more formal partnership with them going forward.
New Tutorials in July and August
Blog postIt's been a great couple of months producing and refining content for the site. Here's what we've been working during July and August, 2017.
New Guides and Topic Pages
Blog postWe've been hard at work to provide more information in a more organized way over the last couple of months. This week we finally get to share it with you. We're proud to show you our new main content landing page, which lists the content people ask about the most; topical pages that give context and resources for different areas of Drupal, and guides to walk you through a particular set of learning materials in pursuit of learning a Drupal skill set.
Drupal 8.4 is Coming Soon
Blog postToday the release candidate (rc) for Drupal 8.4 came out. This is the final review stage for the next version and a good opportunity to see what changes are coming when the new release goes public in fewer than 4 weeks, on October 4th. Here is a quick overview of some of the more interesting changes:
Just two weeks ago we launched our new format for guides, along with a landing page that presents our guides and topics on one page. This week we’re pleased to add 2 more new guides to the list: Introduction to Drupal and Learn Drupal 8. Both of these guides provide overviews that answer common questions and point you in the right direction to get started with Drupal.
If you've been following along with the Drupal core development cycle you might already know that new minor versions of Drupal 8 are released roughly every 6 months. We're happy to celebrate the release of Drupal 8.4 yesterday! Let's take a look at a few of the new features that have been added to this release.
Learn Drupal 8 Web Services
Blog postWe're very excited about this new series for Web Services in Drupal 8. It has been our most-requested topic and we got to work with Mateu Aguiló Bosch to write it. If you have been looking to work on a decoupled Drupal project, or just need to dive into web service APIs, this series will teach you the tools you need and how to create a solid API for your needs.
Drupal Events and Membership Giveaways
Blog postWe're thankful to the volunteers around the world who support the community by running camps. We've partnered up with several of them as sponsors and to give away free Drupalize.Me memberships. Get yourself to one of these events and you can win a free month of Drupalize.Me! Here is a list of upcoming events where you can win a free membership in the next 2 months.