We've updated our Configuration Management series with new tutorials on deployment workflows as well as updated tutorials on managing and inspecting configuration with Drush (now with Drush 9 commands). We've also done some re-arranging and moved our tutorials about using Drupal's Configuration API in a module to a new series, Configuration Entities. Finally, we've added a new tutorial on setting up and using Drush Site Aliases, since this is a prerequisite for completing the new tutorial Live vs. Local Configuration Management. Happy configuration managing!
Our most exciting development of the year is that we’re exploring beyond Drupal. Not because we don't still love Drupal, but because we recognize that there is more to being a well-rounded developer than just a single technology. We’re still dedicated to Drupal and our community, and we want to extend that into other open source projects.
Hello Osio Labs
Blog postExciting things up ahead -- starting with a new name for the company!
We've published 18 tutorials on Search API and Solr in Drupal. Learn about Drupal's built-in search capabilities and how to take your site's search to the next level with Apache Solr in this new series.
Blazing New Trails with Gatsby
Blog postIt was the first project of any real complexity that I’d used Gatsby on, and one of the fun things for me was getting to experience the speed firsthand. It makes pages and web applications that are really fast. I was able to run commands, build the version of the site, and when I clicked the link, the page would change instantaneously. I found myself clicking around just to enjoy the speed. I thought, ‘Wow, that’s really fast. Blazing even.’
Learn to Theme with Hands-On Exercises
Blog postBased on our popular Drupal 8 Theming Workshop, our new guide, Hands-On Theming (https://drupalize.me/guide/hands-on-theming), is a 7-week course of tutorials and hands-on exercises that will get you up and running with your first Drupal 8 theme. Each week contains tutorials surrounding a key concept in Drupal 8 theming. At the end of each week, you'll have an opportunity to put into practice what you've learned in the related tutorials with a hands-on exercise. By the end of this course, you'll have a working Drupal 8 theme ready for you to further explore and learn concepts in Drupal 8 theming.
To facilitate hands-on practice, we've partnered with Stack Starter (https://stackstarter.io/). To follow along with the steps in each exercise, you can use a customized Stack Starter web-based environment. You'll get a pre-configured Drupal 8 development site ready to start theming. It also includes a web-based file manager and code editor as well as a console where you can run Drush commands.
Dive in to DrupalCon
Blog postJoe's list: 2019 DrupalCon events and classes for those new to Drupal
Drupalize.Me Goes to Washington
Blog postIf you’re headed to GovCon and want to learn some awesome Drupal 8 theming, sign up for our all-day workshop.
Time to Celebrate Hey Node
Blog postHey Node didn’t arise just from me or any single member of my team. At our 2017 company retreat, we had a long conversation about our personal and business goals for the next five years. We decided we wanted to grow the company -- but in a deliberate and meaningful way. We also wanted to be mindful about taking our most formative lessons from Drupalize.Me, and applying them to our next project. It took us another year of research to decide to work with the Node community and build Hey Node.
Countdown to DrupalEasy
Blog post“What is Drupal?” describes where I was when I joined the Osio Labs team last summer as People Support. Beginning August 26, I’m taking DrupalEasy’s Drupal Career Online program and I’m thrilled to be taking this next step in my Drupal journey. I'll be blogging about it here so if you’re a beginner like me, hopefully there’ll be something to aid you in your learning process, to encourage you when you’re feeling stuck, or to support you on your own road to Drupal proficiency.
Consuming REST APIs with Drupal 8
Blog postIn a recent support question, one of our members asked about consuming REST APIs with Drupal 8. Joe Shindelar took on the question and found in trying to answer the question he first needed to know more about what they are trying to accomplish. Like with most things Drupal, there's more than one right way to accomplish a task. Choosing a solution requires understanding what options are available and the pros and cons of each. This got Joe thinking about the various different ways one could consume data from an API and display it using Drupal 8...
I began my DrupalEasy journey with the greatest of intentions. Jumping in head first, I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro, set up a new local development environment — I highly recommend DDEV for its power and flexibility, and because it allows development teams to use Docker in their workflow — and reacquainted myself to Composer and the command line. If there was a roll, I was on it. Then week 2 happened.
We're sad to miss DrupalCon Europe in Amsterdam next week (October 28-31, 2019). But which talks would we attend if we were going? Amber and Joe combed through the program and created a list of what looks intriguing to us at the next DrupalCon. Will you be there? You might want to check out our picks.
Automated Enforcement of our Style Guide
Blog postWe recently started using Vale to help automate the tedious task of enforcing our style guide. Doing so has helped make reviews faster, and reduced any hard feelings between us. Emotions can run high when you feel someone is being overly scrupulous in their review of something you’ve worked really hard to create.
Exploring the New Drupal 8 Display Modes
Blog postThis week, we'll tame images and audio files as we continue our Working with Media Module in Drupal 7 series with Addison Berry.
This week we are wrapping up our Working with Media Module in Drupal 7 series. We complete the site by getting our music views into place and adding YouTube video embeds.
Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 37
Blog postThis week's episode of our podcast, Bunny Ears Are Fuzzy, is a bit of a different than our regular podcast.
With the number of internet connected devices increasing rapidly it's important to make sure that your content, and your business, can be read and understood by machines. Creating an Application Programmer Interface, or API, which exposes your content in machine readable formats like JSON or XML is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Next week Joe Shindelar will be hosting a free webinar to show you how to build APIs on top of Drupal 7 with the Services module.