Site Building

4.2. Editing Basic Site Information for Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11


Change basic site information such as Site name, Slogan, Default time zone.


Sprout Video

Configuring the basic site information

  1. In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Configuration > System > Basic site settings (admin/config/system/site-information) to change the Site name, Slogan, administrative Email address, or the Default front page path.
  2. Fill in the available fields as appropriate for your site.

    Field name Explanation Example value

    Site details > Site name

    Used to identify the site and displayed in browsers

    Anytown Farmers Market

    Site details > Slogan

    How this is used depends on your site’s theme. Not displayed by default when using the Olivero theme.

    Farm Fresh Food

    Site details > Email address

    Used as From address in automated email messages (registrations, password resets, etc)

    [email protected]

    Site Information

  3. After editing the fields, click Save configuration to see the changes applied to the site.

Configuring default Regional settings

  1. In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Configuration > Regional and language > Regional settings (admin/config/regional/settings).
  2. Fill in the form as follows:

    Field name Explanation Example value

    Locale > Default country

    The primary country for your site

    United States

    Locale > First day of week

    The day when the week starts on calendars


    Time zones > Default time zone

    The primary time zone for your site

    America > Los Angeles

    Time zones > Users may set their own time zone

    Whether logged-in users can choose a different time zone for display of dates and times on the site


    Time Zones

  3. After editing the fields, click Save configuration to see the changes applied to the site.

Drupal User Guide