Takeaways from the UX Writer Conference
Blog postAmber Matz and Philippa Stasiuk recently attended the online UX Writer Conference. In this blog post, they share some of the things they learned from the conference.
Sign up is now open for our first ever remote workshop. And Joe provides some additional insight into what we're planning.
At the Portland Drupal User Group meeting, we had as a special guest, Tim Lehnen from the Drupal Association, who walked us through the new Issue Forks and Merge Requests features on drupal.org. We also talked about how new contributors could learn how to contribute to Drupal.
Learn about the new Drupal decoupled menus initiative.
No time to learn? What if it was a scheduled event like a workshop? Scheduled professional development events like workshops and conferences can help you get started on a new path. We have 2 theming workshops coming up in February and March for folks ready to learn Drupal’s theming system.
DrupalCon North America is happening in just over 3 weeks, as part of the larger DrupalFest, which is a series of online events happening throughout the month of April. The whole Drupalize.Me team will be there, with Addi speaking on a panel (Leadership at the intersection of business and open source).
Release Day: Views for Developers
Blog post10 years ago we released the first tutorials in our Drupal 7 Coding for Views Series. Today we're super excited to release the first 8 tutorials in our new Views for Developers series, a Drupal 8+ update to Coding for Views.
We've added 8 tutorials on Views plugins to our Views for Developers course. Learn how to define field handler, pseudo field, filter, sort, area, access, and style plugins using the Views and Plugin APIs in Drupal.
The Drupal Association launched a new program this year that aims to provide education and mentoring for underrepresented folks, called Discover Drupal. The program’s goal is to prepare the selected student participants for full-time Drupal jobs, and we're happy to be a part of this program.
A look at how we design our remote workshops for flexibility and on-the-fly adjustments so that we can provide as much value as possible to the people who choose to attend.
Being able to execute, and step debug, Drupal's test using the PhpStorm UI makes it easier and more efficient to write tests for your projects. Learn how to configure PhpStorm to run Drupal's PHPUnit tests inside of a DDEV environment using docker-compose and a remote PHP CLI Interpreter. This setup will work for both Drupal core and your custom code.
Drupal Diversity & Inclusion, an independent working group within the Drupal community, is holding the first ever Drupal Diversity & Inclusion (DDI) Camp! The aim of the working group is to bring new voices and important topics together into a relaxed and fun virtual conference. You are invited to join Addi, Ashley, and Amber online this weekend, August 13 & 14, for two days of fantastic content from community speakers.
Drupalize.Me trainer, Amber Matz, will be speaking at the upcoming Aten Lunch Hour webinar, presenting "Accessing the Layers of Help in Drupal". Register now for the free webinar on August 25, 2021 at 12pm US/MDT.
Pursuing and growing a career in web development is important to me, and it is currently a set goal, but I need to know what path in web development I want to take in order to do so effectively. Exploring all possible options is an important step in my professional development because I am still a beginner on this path. Drupal is a pre-existing solution that delivers automated webpages for web developers or anyone else who wants to create a functional website. It is now widely recognized as a fast-growing web development technology, and learning it is essential for me as I intend to keep up with the growth of web development.
Setting up Drupal to Learn and Practice
Blog postOsio Labs intern Chinelo Obigwe shares her insights on getting Drupal installed for the first time on her Windows machine in this new blog post on Drupalize.Me. Read on to learn about several local web development environment tools she recommends to anyone starting out with learning Drupal and who wants to get Drupal up-and-running on their own machine.
Release Day: Time to learn Drush!
Blog postDrush (the Drupal Shell) is a command line interface for Drupal. It provides all sorts of commands for assisting in Drupal development, automating workflows and in general making it easier to script various parts of the Drupal workflow. Learning to use Drush and the commands that come with Drush core will help both site administrators and developers speed up their day-to-day Drupal work. It really is a handy tool for everyone, not just developers. We've just published a whole new series of tutorials on Drush, representing a huge effort to bring our Drush content up-to-date.
Joe digs into why a drush migrate:import command was so slow when running migrations for Drupalize.Me. And in the process, explains how to configure highwater marks to ensure that rows don't slip through the cracks.
Drupalize.Me Now Powered by Pantheon
Blog postIf you're following along at home, you may have seen that we recently made the move to Pantheon hosting. Last week during our maintenance window, Joe and I worked through our migration checklist, and officially moved the site over to our new host. The process had a few hiccups, but we thought it would be interesting to take a look at what went into our migration process. Hopefully sharing what went into our planning process, as well as what is in our pipeline for improvements now that we're on Pantheon, will help you if you ever find yourself facing a similar project.
We've Lowered Our Annual Price
Blog postThis week we lowered our price for Annual Personal Memberships to just $350/year!
Our 2016 Drupal 8 Tutorial Roadmap
Blog postMore and more people are getting excited about working with Drupal 8. We’ve been working full-speed to put together the most accurate Drupal 8 tutorials, as well as keeping them up to date, as Drupal 8 changes every 6 months. I wanted to give an update on where we are with our Drupal 8 material and give you a look at what to expect over the coming 3 months from our team.