Site Building

7.3. Creating a Role for Drupal 8, 9, and 10


Create a Vendor role to allow some - but not all - users to perform specific tasks.


Sprout Video
  1. In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to People > Roles (admin/people/roles).
  2. You will find default roles Anonymous user, Authenticated user, and Administrator already present.

    Roles page

  3. Click Add Role to add a custom role.
  4. Type Vendor in the Role name field. Click Save.

    adding vendor as a role

  5. You will see the message "Role Vendor has been added." displayed at the top of the page.

    vendor role added success message

Additional resources community documentation page "User Roles"


Adapted and edited by Jack Probst, Boris Doesborg, and Joe Shindelar from "User Roles", copyright 2000-2024 by the individual contributors to the Drupal Community Documentation

Drupal User Guide