Through my time in the "Drupal Careers Online" course through DrupalEasy, my eyes have been opened to the wonderful world of entities, bundles, and fields. This has been such a game changer! Drupal’s Entity API is one of the key elements that sets it apart from other CMS systems. Defining a site is so much easier once you understand the "building blocks" (i.e., entities, bundles, and fields), specifically "ContentEntityBase" and entities that extend it.
Drupal check, and Drupal rector, are two useful command line tools you can use to help jump start the process of updating your Drupal 8 code to ensure it's compatible with Drupal 9. This post includes some notes about the process I went through while testing them out on some of the Drupalize.Me code base.
Upgrade status generates a report that serves as a sort of checklist to help you determine whether or not your site is ready to be upgraded to Drupal 9. It packs a lot of useful information into a single report. It's worth taking the time to install it on a copy of your Drupal 8 site and seeing what it has to say.
We've added 4 video walk-through screencasts to our step-by-step "task" tutorials in our Content Moderation tutorial series. Does your organization have a publication workflow? Did you know you can set up a publication workflow that follows your online publication process? Explore this series of Content Moderation and Workflows to learn more.
Free Hands-On Theming Course May 18-22
Blog postDrupalCon Minneapolis, and the theming workshop we were planning to present, isn't going to happen this year, but instead we're going to make our Hands-On Theming course free all of next week, May 18–22, the original week of DrupalCon. This online course is based on our in-person workshops and covers the same material. If you enjoy the course, and have the means, we also ask that you donate to the Drupal Association to support their critical work and future DrupalCons.
Drupal 9 Launches!
Blog postOn June 3, 2020, Drupal 9.0.0 was released! This is a major version update for Drupal, but the most straightforward update in Drupal’s history. Learn about why the big deal about Drupal 9 is that it isn't a big deal.
Layout Builder, and the related ecosystem of modules, provides a set of powerful tools that allow content creators and site administrators to modify the layout of a page using a drag-and-drop interface. We've published 11 new tutorials on how to use Drupal's Layout Builder to create flexible layouts for your Drupal site.
Joe and Amber will be presenting sessions at DrupalCon Global 2020! Don't miss these and other great sessions at this year's online event.
DrupalCon Global Day 1
Blog postDrupalCon Global kicked off of this week and the Drupalize.Me team was there to participate. We're sharing our notes and thoughts about the conference each day, and here is our first summary, for Day 1.
DrupalCon Global Day 2
Blog postDay 2 of DrupalCon Global was packed full of great presentations, and we also attended the 2 summits: Community, and Performance & Scaling. Everyone has settled in to the platform and rhythm of the conference now, and it’s been great catching up with friends and community colleagues.
DrupalCon Global Day 3
Blog postIt's day 3 summary of DrupalCon Global 2020 and it delivered again. It’s been a whirlwind 3 days full of good content and meeting lots of people new and old. This is the last set of summary notes for sessions, as today we switch over to contribution day.
DrupalCon Global Wrap-Up
Blog postLast week the community had its first online DrupalCon Global. It was a great experience for our team—better than many of us expected. We posted daily summaries of our session notes and comments on the event last week for Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3. Our team also took part in the Friday Contribution Day, with most of our work focused on preparing contributed modules for Drupal 9, the Help Topics project, and documentation. Here's a look at our impressions of the conference overall and our favorite sessions.
This fall we’re trying something new: we’re offering real-time remote workshops. It’s not quite in-person, but I’m pretty excited to try it out.
In this series, you'll learn how to configure and use the Media and Media Library module's in Drupal core as well as related contributed modules. Throughout the series we'll look at the Media ecosystem from the perspective of a site administrator, content editors, themers, and developers.
We've released another batch of Layout Builder tutorials for frontend and backend developers. Learn how to add custom styles, add asset libraries, create custom layout plugins, settings forms, and code dynamic custom layouts using Drupal's Plugin API.
We know that salaries differ around the world. For people who live in countries where the exchange rate and local economy are not competitive with the US dollar, this can make a Drupalize.Me membership prohibitively expensive. So we're experimenting with purchasing power parity.
An example of how we're making working on the Drupalize.Me site a bit more pleasant by adding some database sanitation scripts into our CI/CD workflow.
Joe tries to figure out how to run the Drupalize.Me integration tests using and GitHub Actions.
Takeaways from the UX Writer Conference
Blog postAmber Matz and Philippa Stasiuk recently attended the online UX Writer Conference. In this blog post, they share some of the things they learned from the conference.
Sign up is now open for our first ever remote workshop. And Joe provides some additional insight into what we're planning.