Release Day: Drupal 8 Form API
Blog postForms are one of the primary means through which users interact with a web application. The Form API is how Drupal module developers create, update, and modify forms. Learn how to leverage the Form API in a custom module with this new batch of tutorials from Drupalize.Me.
We've just released a new free guide on our site, Drupal 8 User Guide in order to help our members—and anyone—with minimal existing knowledge of Drupal get started building something quickly. It's a re-publication of the one already available on, with the addition of embedded videos.
I want to share a little bit about why we choose to republish existing content instead of creating new materials, why we've opted to add video to the user guide, and why we're giving it all away for free.
Learn All About Using React with Drupal
Blog postThe interest in creating decoupled/headless/API-first Drupal sites has been growing for a while. As the interest grows, and more sites are implementing this architecture, there is a growing list of articles and discussions about it. Drupal is a great backend for these kinds of sites, and React is the most popular JavaScript framework being used for frontends. While Drupal and React are both well-established technologies with a wealth of documentation, the interaction between the two, and best practices around that interaction, are still developing. We've pulled together the best resources we can find on a new site, React for Drupal.
Symfony 4 and Drupal
Blog postIn November 2017, Symfony released its latest major version: Symfony 4! That's great! Right? But what does this mean for Drupal? And more importantly, what does it mean for your Drupal projects?
There's been an ongoing discussion about the state of documentation on Sparked by this blog post by Matthew Grasmick which examines Drupal's failure to provide easy-to-follow installation documentation. To which Dries responded suggesting that we consider how we might evolve Drupal's documentation leadership and governance. I thought it would be worthwhile to share some of the lessons learned helping with the Drupal 8 User Guide in order to move the conversation forward.
This week, we've published more tutorials for our Drupal Development with Docker series, a new video series from KnpUniversity that will get you up and running with Symfony 4, a brand new set of tutorials: Introduction to Composer for Drupal Users, and another Form API tutorial.
DrupalCon Nashville is right around the corner and we're stoked to not only be attending DrupalCon, but to also be providing our Drupal 8 Theming workshop once again.
Twin Cities DrupalCamp is coming up -- June 7th-10th -- and we'll be attending and presenting our popular Theming Drupal 8 workshop.
Here are some of the updates we've made to tutorials this past quarter at Drupalize.Me, including 8.5 updates and new videos for Automated Testing tutorials.
We've Redesigned our Guides
Blog postWe've redesigned our guides and would love to hear what you think.
We're excited to announce a new series, Getting Started with React and Drupal: 15 tutorials covering everything you need to know in order to get started using React on your current Drupal project.
We've updated our Configuration Management series with new tutorials on deployment workflows as well as updated tutorials on managing and inspecting configuration with Drush (now with Drush 9 commands). We've also done some re-arranging and moved our tutorials about using Drupal's Configuration API in a module to a new series, Configuration Entities. Finally, we've added a new tutorial on setting up and using Drush Site Aliases, since this is a prerequisite for completing the new tutorial Live vs. Local Configuration Management. Happy configuration managing!
Our most exciting development of the year is that we’re exploring beyond Drupal. Not because we don't still love Drupal, but because we recognize that there is more to being a well-rounded developer than just a single technology. We’re still dedicated to Drupal and our community, and we want to extend that into other open source projects.
Hello Osio Labs
Blog postExciting things up ahead -- starting with a new name for the company!
We've published 18 tutorials on Search API and Solr in Drupal. Learn about Drupal's built-in search capabilities and how to take your site's search to the next level with Apache Solr in this new series.
Blazing New Trails with Gatsby
Blog postIt was the first project of any real complexity that I’d used Gatsby on, and one of the fun things for me was getting to experience the speed firsthand. It makes pages and web applications that are really fast. I was able to run commands, build the version of the site, and when I clicked the link, the page would change instantaneously. I found myself clicking around just to enjoy the speed. I thought, ‘Wow, that’s really fast. Blazing even.’
Learn to Theme with Hands-On Exercises
Blog postBased on our popular Drupal 8 Theming Workshop, our new guide, Hands-On Theming (, is a 7-week course of tutorials and hands-on exercises that will get you up and running with your first Drupal 8 theme. Each week contains tutorials surrounding a key concept in Drupal 8 theming. At the end of each week, you'll have an opportunity to put into practice what you've learned in the related tutorials with a hands-on exercise. By the end of this course, you'll have a working Drupal 8 theme ready for you to further explore and learn concepts in Drupal 8 theming.
To facilitate hands-on practice, we've partnered with Stack Starter ( To follow along with the steps in each exercise, you can use a customized Stack Starter web-based environment. You'll get a pre-configured Drupal 8 development site ready to start theming. It also includes a web-based file manager and code editor as well as a console where you can run Drush commands.
Dive in to DrupalCon
Blog postJoe's list: 2019 DrupalCon events and classes for those new to Drupal
Drupalize.Me Goes to Washington
Blog postIf you’re headed to GovCon and want to learn some awesome Drupal 8 theming, sign up for our all-day workshop.