Site Administration

Extend Drupal Site Monitoring with Contributed Modules for Drupal 8, 9, and 10

There's no magical set of right tools to use to monitor a Drupal site's performance and health. While thinking about performance monitoring, you need to optimize your approach depending on the number of applications you manage, their complexity, business needs, and the skill-set of your team. Based on these factors, you may choose to use one of the core or contributed modules, go with third-party solutions and services, or some combination of both.

Drupal core comes with a couple of modules that allow you to monitor the health and performance of the site including Syslog, Database Logging, and the status reports provided by the System module. There are also numerous community-contributed modules, a sampling of which we'll cover here.

In this tutorial, we'll:

  • List some contributed modules that are commonly used for monitoring a Drupal site
  • Provide an overview of what each module does

By the end of this tutorial you should be able to list a few contributed modules that might be useful for monitoring your Drupal application and define what each one does.

Drupal Site Administration