Site Administration

Overview: Benchmarking and Performance Budgets for Drupal 8, 9, and 10

Sites evolve over time. We're constantly adding and removing modules, modifying content, authoring custom plugins, and changing design elements. All of these changes impact our application's performance -- some more so than others. But if you're not measuring it, you can't know when your site inadvertently gets slower or by how much.

If you are responsible for a site's performance, it might be good to look into benchmarking it and establishing a performance budget early on, then monitor it on an ongoing basis. Many tools, paid and free, allow measuring key web performance indicators and backend code and server performance.

One-time measurements can be useful for immediate debugging, or when figuring out if that big new feature is going to have a negative impact on performance. But for long-term projects, it's helpful to have known baseline values and an established performance budget to see whether your performance improves or declines over time with every new feature.

Establishing the baseline (performance budget) and comparing future measurements is called site performance benchmarking.

In this tutorial, we'll:

  • Learn the basics concepts of benchmarking
  • Learn a benchmarking process and best practices
  • List some commonly used tools for benchmarking Drupal

By the end of this tutorial, you should understand the concept of a performance budget, know when to benchmark your site, and list some tools available to help.

Drupal Site Administration