Backend and Infrastructure

Overview: Drupal's Caching System for Drupal 8, 9, and 10

Drupal has robust Cache API, and various caching layers (both internal and external to Drupal), that work together to decrease application load and boost performance. Drupal's APIs allow developers to declare the cacheability of data. How long can this be stored before it becomes stale? And under what conditions should it be invalidated? Drupal uses that information during the process of building a page to cache as much of the work it does as is possible so that it won't need to do it again. Additionally, Drupal bubbles up the cacheability data from everything required to build a page into HTTP response headers that caching layers external to Drupal can also use to cache the rendered HTML.

When these APIs are combined (and used appropriately), Drupal can be extremely fast for both anonymous and authenticated traffic. But doing so requires understanding the various caching layers, their roles, and their interconnections.

In this tutorial, we'll:

  • Review the caching layers and systems behind them
  • Learn about components of the Drupal cache system

By the end of this tutorial, you should have a broad understanding of the Drupal caching system, its layers, and a better understanding of where in the stack you should look to optimize for different scenarios.

Drupal Site Administration