Site Administration

Overview: Drupal's Cache Modules and Performance Settings for Drupal 8, 9, and 10

The performance optimization settings and modules provided by Drupal core are intended to work for the broadest possible set of use cases. From an administrator's perspective they provide minimal configuration options, and are designed to just work by being enabled. But behind that simplicity are some powerful features that will help speed up any Drupal-powered application.

The core Dynamic Page Cache and Internal Page Cache modules are designed to provide a base cache setup for any site. These modules are responsible for the static page cache, dynamic page cache, and lazy loading optimizations.

For developers, Drupal provides a complete and well-designed Cache API. You can, and should, integrate it into your custom code. This integration includes defining the cacheability of any content your module outputs so that Drupal can be smart about how that affects how and when a page that incorporates the output can be cached -- as well as storing and retrieving the results of complex or long-running operations. The API also helps with setting appropriate HTTP headers for the responses Drupal generates for each request so that the user's browser and other layers in the stack can appropriately cache the output.

The entire system is flexible, and there are many contributed modules that can aid in making the default caching system even faster for specific use cases.

In this tutorial, we'll:

  • Learn about the caching-related modules in Drupal core
  • Review the Drupal core performance settings and recommended values

By the end of this tutorial you should be familiar with the Drupal core modules responsible for caching, their settings, and recommended values.

Drupal Site Administration