Site Building

Movie Projects: Create Static Pages, Menus and Webforms for Drupal 7

Last updated
Up-to-date with minor version

This page is archived

We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

In this exercise you will create and position menus, static pages, and webforms, which can be accessed via the menu.


Create a contact us page and form and an about us page, and add links to these pages to the main menu.


You will need the following knowledge and skills. If you need a review, check out the Additional resources section at the bottom of this page.

  1. Add content to menus.
  2. Place menu blocks within a page.
  3. Create and configure webforms.

Wireframe reference

You will need to refer to the wireframe collection PDF.

  • Contact Us
  • About My Top Ten Films


Create static pages for each of the pages listed in the footer.

Create menus for the header and footer, and position them appropriately. They should link to all the pages we have created so far.

Install the Webform module.

Create a contact us webform and create a link to it from the header and footer menus.


  • Links can be added to menu either from the menu screen, or when creating content.
  • Webforms are content items and can be configured like content types.


  • Menus can be created from a node page, or the menu admin interface.
  • Menus create blocks which are positioned within regions.
  • Webforms are a well established means of collecting form data.

Further your understanding

Additional resources

Creative Commons License

Drupal Training Resources by Damian Robinson are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at

Hands-On Exercises: Movie Project